Chapter 4. "pit Stop!!!!"

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Caleb's POV

Woo I hated these little stops. Oh well. I actually really like Summer. I don't know why. And I don't know how. I just do. Someone once told me that if you can't explain why or how you like her, that's love. Or even when the other person hurts you, it feels like your life died. That's love. I can't love her though. I only loved Lily Kikó. Haha Sike. I hate that girl. I wonder if Summer knows the real reason why Ruby died. It's besds if she doenst know. Well I snap out of my right and catch up with the others. The first stop was a forest. We stayed there for about 2 hours. We got into the Lake.

"I don't wanna!!" Summer cried smiling. So i got out of the water.

"Don't you dare do it!" Summer yells trying to sound demanding but fails cause she is always adorable. "CALEB JAMES SEAN! PUT ME DOWN!!" No one was looking so I. I kissed her and she was in shock. Not a bad shock, she was smiling. But then I threw her into the Lake.

"Caleb I need to tell you something!" Summer waves her hand. She goes close to the dock so I go close, I bend down on my hands and knees to hear what she has to say. But insted she grabs my hands and lulls me into the water. (This is gonna be cheesy don't judge me!) And she was going to go back up to the surface but insted I grabbed her face lightly and kissed h0er. Again, she smiles. I loved that big smile of hers. Especially knowing that when she came to this school, I was the first one to make her smile and laugh. We go back up to the surface and we both kinda smile at her. I wasn't an awkward smile to anything. It was just that smile people do after kisses I could say. We both hop out of the water and dry off. Her body was curvy, and you know how most girls make there butts bigger? She doesn't l, you could tell. She isn't a fake girl like the others. After 10 minutes of being in the sun, we all dry off and head back to the bus

Summers POV

I was sitting at the table with the guys, except for Sam. I decided to go talk to him, wait. No. He litreally hurt me. In a way I thought no human should. I was kinda pacing knowing that he was on this bus, with me. Knowing he could do anything at anytime. When ever he walk by me, and he raised a hand, I quickly  jumped back.

"Summer? I think you just being a little extra. What did Sam do?" Luke asks me. And BEING EXTR?!?

"Extra?! How would you feel if you went your whole life with an abuser. When ever you had a secret he would blackmail you. Every little detail about your life he knows?! And eventually, you can't be hurt anymore because someone had broke you. Broke you so hard that you go insane inside. That's what Sam did to me. I just want him away from me. When we moved I didn't have to deal with him. And now he knows more and more about me." I say looking at Luke in his eyes.

"I would feel safe. But listen. We are here."

Summer! Summer! Summer!

I was looking around to see who calling my name but, it was a dream. I'm dreaming about someone I never heard of. Wow. Wait so that means we are still on the trip, I kissed Caleb, Sam is not here, we did go to the Lake. Okay.

"Was I dreaming?" I ask looking at Ty

"Yup. Now get up, somehow you slept 35 hours. So let's go we are at the camp ground." Ty tells me and i get up

      Wait so that means Sam doesn't exist? Yes. Well he does exist, but he lives in Texas.

I'm sorry for making Sam a dream. But something will come up. Don't worry. ;)

We get out of the tour bus and look around. This place was beautiful, it had forest trees everywhere, no grass but it was wood chips and dirt. There was animals running around l, like snakes, lizards, birds, I'm hoping no bears. Well, up here it's sbowing. And there was a thing for sledding. And it still has snow and I'm so going up there. Well we all have to go find the camp leaders.

We look straight ahead and see them. We all walk over to them and sit on the wooded tables that were outside

"Good evening Students. My name is Eric Holder, And This is Max Oliver. So as for you guys, it's Mr. Holder and Mr. Oliver. So, since you guys were on a bus for 48 hours, I have a task for you guys. There is a trail to the left of that sled track. Go there and follow it, it will bring you back here. You have until 5:30, it is 2:38. Now begin." We all begin our walk. Ugh it was so boring. Well that is until we heard something.

"Everyone stop, be quiet, and if you see a bear, walk away slowly." Josh said. He was always a mysterious person so he was good at this


"Everyone, climb that tree." No one did anything. NOW." Josh says again. We climbed the tree and it was tall. We could see all the bears and deers that were at the campground. There were tons of bears.

The bear now was right next to the tree, so I decided to grab a pine cone off of the tree and throw it as far as I can. That way the bear would hear something from a far away and walk that way.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Luke whisper yells at me

"Shut your mouth." I tell him. I throw the pine cone and it doesn't work.

"I'm climbing to the top to see if I could see the camp." I begin climbing. I climbed about 20 feet more up, we were about 30 feet in the air, but I was 50 feet in the air. I look around to not see the campground. Is this really how I'm going to die? Great.


We all hear again. The bear doesn't even see us, that was until Ty had to  sneeze like a giant. The bear looks up at us and is attempting to climb the tree. Great. Now we are stuck in a tree, the bear is now calling his friends over, they are now all trying to climb the tree to get to us. We can't tell the leaders to help us.

"Isn't that whole thing for communication and teamwork?" I ask and they all nod

"Everyone, I have a plan." Josh said. I was getting more happy because when I first moved here, Josh was a a get kid. Rude. Now he is talking more, and is being nicer. Hm.


Wait!!! Don't leave my book Please! This chapter was terrible I know. But the next chapter will be better, I kinda ran out of ideas for this chapter. But I don't want to re write it because I didn't get any sleep. Well, hope you enjoy. Next chapter may be confusing so I am going to be telling about it at the beginning of the next chapter.

Comment any ideas for my next chapter? Love you byeeee

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