A New Heir

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Five years had passed since Y/n had been told about her true heritage and Queen Susan's horn, which her father possessed. Caspian and Y/n had grown closer during those nights in the astronomy tower, and they considered eachother siblings.

Doctor Cornelius and Y/n became very nervous for Prince Caspian when King Miraz and Queen Pruniprimia announced their pregnancy. They knew Miraz was only keeping Caspian around in case he could not produce an heir of his own, and because of this, the doctor and Y/n knew they needed a plan in case Miraz ordered Caspian to be killed.

 They knew Miraz was only keeping Caspian around in case he could not produce an heir of his own, and because of this, the doctor and Y/n knew they needed a plan in case Miraz ordered Caspian to be killed

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A loud scream woke Y/n from her sleep. She had been moved closer to the bed chambers of the King and Queen when they announced the pregnancy. She was to always be ready for anything the queen needed during her pregnancy. She quickly got out of bed and made her way through the halls towards her father's room. As she passed it, she gave it a quick knock, initializing their plan.

Y/n knew the plan like the back of her hand. When the Queen first started labour, she was required to be by her side. However, due to their plan, Y/n would head in the other direction with the pretense of getting some water. The knock would tell her father it was time and he would count to five before heading down to the stables to prepare a horse for Caspian. After that, he would wait near the garden's corner walls where he had a good view of the King and Queen's chambers and wait for the signal. An opened window meant the baby was either a girl, or did not survive, meaning Caspian was safe. If the door to the balcony is opened, the baby is a boy and Doctor Cornelius needed to get Caspian immediately.

Y/n made it to the Queens room with a bowl of water and a cloth, before being met with her first problem. The window was open.

She quickly moved to close it in hopes that her father hadn't seen it yet and abandoned their plans, but she paused when she heard the snappy voice of the Queen.

"What are you doing?! It's bloody hot! Keep the window open!" Her voice was strained and interupted by screams of pain.

I between the yells, Y/n lied, "heat helps, your majesty. It makes the pain lessen and the baby come out easier."

Either the queen was in too much pain to think straight or she mistakenly trusted the word of a scholar's daughter, but she bought the lie.

The King entered the room shortly after with the midwife.

The King entered the room shortly after with the midwife

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The birth was a success. The Queen gave birth to a baby boy. Immediately once she saw the gender of the child, Y/n opened the doors. The queen sighed in happiness at the cool air.

Y/n watched from beside the bed as the king called for his guard, Glozelle, and whispered something unintelligible to him before he rushed out of the room, his hand on his sword.

She prayed to God, her father would get to Caspian on time.

She was handed the baby as the midwife took Queen Pruniprimia to the bath.

On the other side of the castle, Doctor Cornelius had rushed to Caspian's chambers as soon as his daughter opened the door.

He moved through the castle quickly, his figure covered by a long black cloak. Gaurds patrolled the halls.

Once in Caspian's room, Cornelius covered the sleeping prince's mouth to insure he did not scream. Caspian's eyes flew open before relaxing as he recognized the man in front of him.

"Five more minutes," Caspian mumbled.

"You won't be watching the stars tonight, my prince," Doctor Cornelius said as he pulled Caspian out of his bed. Caspian's eyes went wide again with curiosity. "Come, we must hurry!"

"Professor, what's going on?"

"Your aunt has given birth..." Doctor Cornelius opened the door, "to a son."

The doctor entered the wardrobe with Caspian following behind. He closed the door leaving a crack open so he could see.

Commander Glozelle entered the room with his regiment of soldiers. They surrounded Caspian's bed as aimed their crossbows at it. As the order was given to fire, Caspian was pulled through the secret passage by Doctor Cornelius.

They ran through the halls, Caspian glancing back in shock every now and then.

Caspian stopped to grab a sword. "Come," Cornelius said placing his cloak on Caspian's shoulders, before leaning the boy to his horse.

"You must make for the woods," Doctor Cornelius told Caspian

"The woods?" he questioned.

"They won't follow you there." Doctor Cornelius took a wrapped package out of his pocket and gave it to Caspian. "It has taken me many years to find this. Don't use it except at your greatest need."

Caspian took the object and placed it in his own pocket. "Will I ever see you again?"

"I dearly hope so, my prince. There is so much more than that to tell you. Everything you know, is about to change." The sound of soldiers approaching caught the attention of the men. "Now go!"

Caspian rode through the city, past the soldiers who tried to stop him. As he crossed the bridge, fireworks were set off. Caspian paused briefly before continuing to the woods.

As he rode through the forest, Caspian turned to check on the soldiers following him. When he didn't see anyone, he turned back around. He didn't see the tree branch and soon he was being dragged by his horse.

When he finally was free he was in a small clearing. A door in the trunk of a tree opened up.

"He's seen us," a voice said before one of the two dwarfs that stood before him drew his sword and ran forward.

The package that Doctor Cornelius had given to Prince Caspian had come unwrapped and as he pushed away from the dwarf, they both paused when they saw it; Queen Susan's horn.

The sound of approaching soldiers grew louder. The armed dwarf looked back at his companion. "Take care of him," he gestured to Caspian, before running towards the soldiers.

The other dwarf moved towards Caspian. Panicked, he reached for the horn remembering the words of his professor.

"No!" the dwarf yelled as Caspian blew the horn. In hopes of stopping the events set off by the blowing of the horn, the dwarf knocked out Caspian.

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