He went to his seat. 

Someone, the one no one wanted to see, came in.

Akeno Kitano.

Bakugo growled and walked over to him, pinning him against the wall. "What the hell did you do to him?"

"C'mon you're gonna have to be more specific. What I did to Todoroki? Made him fall for me."

"What'd you do to Deku?" He yelled.

"Bakugo..." Todoroki warned. "And you didn't make me fall for you. I only fell for one person and it's not you."

"What the hell did you do to him? How do I fix him?!"

"First of all, let go of me." Akeno growled.

"Tell me how to fix him!"

"You can't."

"That's a lie!"

"The only way to fix him is to kill him or let him go over to the dark side."

"Liar! You know how to fix him!"

"Bakugo! You said it was a pill! An IV will get the virus or whatever it is out of his system!" Todoroki yelled.

Kitano's face paled at that.

Bakugo's grip loosened. "We can do that?" He looked over at Todoroki. 

"Yeah. Now let go of him so I can kill him." He walked over to him. 

Bakugo let go of him. Todoroki walked over to them. He looked at Bakugo. Their bodies passed each other, lips almost touching. He walked over to Kitano and punched him.

But, Aizawa happened to walk in at that moment.

"Todoroki! What're you doing? I expected this from Bakugo but not from you!" He yelled.

"He poisoned Midoriya!" Bakugo yelled. "Kick him out of the school!"

"Unless you have proof of the 'poison', we can't kick him out."

"You want proof?! Look at his eyes! What color are his eyes normally?"

"Green." Aizawa sighed. Bakugo grabbed Midoriya and dragged him to Aizawa. 

"What color are they now?" He questioned. Aizawa looked at his eyes. They were dark green. Like really dark green. 


"Now do you believe me?" Bakugo pulled Midoriya away.

"I'll be right back. Everyone out. Except for Kitano." Aizawa and everyone except for Kitano, Todoroki, Bakugo and Midoriya left the room. 

Bakugo walked over to Kitano, punching him. He kept punching him until Todoroki stood in front of him. "Bakugo! That's enough! You've punched him enough!"

"No! He hurt my Deku!"

"He's not your Deku! He's married and has a son! Yes, he hurt Izuku, but you can't keep hurting him. You're basically hurting him more than he hurt Izuku! Let it go and let the Pro-Heroes deal with it!"

"I won't stop until Izuku is fixed!" He pushed Todoroki away, causing him to fall.

Shoto stood back up and walked back over to Katuski. "Even if he hurt Izuku, do you think he'll wanna see you hurt someone else? See his best friend beat someone up?"

"Shut up!" 

"I know you love him, I love him too, but stop beating him up."

"Shut up!" He yelled. 

Shoto walked over to him and grabbed his chin, making him look at him.

"Don't make me do this." Shoto growled.

"Do what?" Katsuki questioned, actually not knowing what he was gonna do.

Todoroki groaned and kissed him.

Bakugo was surprised at first but ended up kissing back.

Kitano laughed and tried to get away but Midoriya stood in the doorway. "I don't think so." He smiled evilly. 

Looks like the virus was working faster than it should. 

His eyes were almost completely dark.

* * * 


word count: 1084, without this a/n

whoops sorry for any kiribaku fans. ik the description said kiribaku but my mind had other ideas lol.

do you think dabi believed him when he said he wanted a divorce?

what do you think is gonna happen?

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