the mark of the bonded appears on the skin above one's heart once they have focused their power.

as i continue reading i hardly even notice as Levy, Sting, Rouge and Auma walk into the room. i'm so engrossed in what i'm reading that i don't pay them any attention as they start talking about me right there.

"so what are you reading there?" Sting's head bends down from behind me to look at the book. i can see his eyes widen and quickly scan the page. "hey Auma? yeah i was just wondering if you could please tell us what a focus is"

"oh! i was planning on tell you about that once i had finished reading up on it but seeing how you've asked" taking the book off of me she holds it open to show us. "this is what happens when a wizard focus's their magic on a person."

"focus their magic?"

"yes, that is when they find a object or person to link their magic to and to help focus it. normally it happens completely on accident and will only happen when the wizard has to much magic to control by themselves. take you two for example." she mentions to Rouge and Levy. 

"how did you?" Rouge looks to Levy.

"i have a knack for these kind of things, i sensed it not long ago that you two had become each others focus."

"wow, okay so what does that mean for us?" both Rouge and Levy's faces go red at the use of the word 'us.'

"you have each others strength now, you can lend each other strength. if your are hurt then you'll heal faster when the other is closer. your own power will be stronger but you can also dim or strengthen the others powers. You can only focus on someone who you trust and have a connection with. so your connection  will be stronger and you will be linked, in time. I've even heard that your heart beats are the same." 

Rouge and Levy stare at each other with a look of awe. levy's fingers graze over the mark and Rouge's movements copy her's.

"huh" we all stare at the two of them. i study them , trying to spot anything different. nothing physical has changed. Rouges hair is still the same blackness, Levy's skin is still the same pale complex. if anything's changed it's their eyes, their eyes are alive with a spark and energy.

"now save the gawking at each other for later and let's go back outside. your all up for a run around the mountains." nobody moves and i'm suddenly aware of how close Sting is to me. clearing my throat i catch his attention and he pulls away. part of me misses the closeness and warmth. "Go!" a

and suddenly every body is moving and their out of the door, well everybody except Auma and me. "I'll go and make you another cup of my special drink while you get started on the next book" taking my empty cup she brings it back to the kitchen.

getting comfortable i flip back to the first page and start reading.

Auma sent me to bed early that night, not that i was grateful. I had also managed to wake up rather late. late enough that by the time i had gotten up and shuffled out of the room they had already gotten up.

Rouge and Levy where no where to be seen but a lump on the couch quickly became identified as Sting.

"Lucy, darling glad to see that your up. i have already started making you and Sting my special drink so why don't you settle down on the couch. I'm afraid that i only have one clean blanket so you two will have to share, but since Sting's always so warm that should be good for you." she leaves and i shuffle over to the couch.

there are two sides to the argument in my head. one side is excited, thrilled to be so close to Sting, to share a blanket with him. the other side isn't so sure, it's angry at the other side for being so excited.

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