His to Protect > Chapter 18

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His to Protect 

Chapter 18 

Diane and Henry has been together since Henry had the nerve to ask Diane her if she would like to go riding with him, they had been together unstop, since that day. 

After about two weeks, Henry asked Diane to marry him, of course she said yes. 

Then Henry wanted to talk to the rest of the family about having their wedding there. Henry was hoping that Mark would marry them since the type of work he used to do, being an undercover agent; he thought he should do about anything, so why not this too. 

Mark thought about that what Henry was asking him to do for his friend. He told him he would marry them if that was what they wanted, he would. Nevertheless, he also told him that if they travel to a town to somewhere, then he could find a pastor to marry them to make them lawfully married to each other, because if anyone would question it. 

Mark plan on marring them by the end of that week. 

Two days before the wedding was to take place, Lori came up to Mark telling him that she wanted to go hunting, because they needed some deer meat for the meal. 

Mark told her she could not go without him, which of course was what she had planned for, because she knew, he would not let go by herself. Therefore, the next morning they left to go on their hunting trip and telling everyone that they would be back the following afternoon. 

Early the next morning Mark got up around four a. m. got the wood stove started before getting dress. After he got dress, he went back into the kitchen to put the coffee on boil. 

As the coffee was boiling on the stove, Lori came walking into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes as she yawns great big, walking over to the stove, but not seeing where she's walking and bumps right into Mark.  

She lets out a squeal, sounding like a little girl, as she jumps back before saying, "You could have told me you were standing there Mark before I bumped into you. You know." 

Mark replies, "What would be the fun in that Lori? Besides, you look so cute this morning with your hair all mess up from sleeping. Plus, you look so sexy when you wake up of a morning. I guess that is why I didn't say anything to you when you came walking in the kitchen." 

"Oh you sweet talker you." Lori said as Mark turned around to get two cups for them. 

As he was getting the cups, he said over his shoulder to her, "Why don't you go get dress while the coffee is boiling and while you are doing that I will start cooking breakfast for us. How does that sound to you my sleep baby?" 

She couldn't help but smile as she starts walking out of the kitchen and calls softly over her shoulder to him so not to wake everyone up in the house. "Sounds like a plan to me. Oh, by the way I want some of those pancakes you make so good last time you cooked breakfast for me. But I want more than just two this time around, because last time I only got two and I could eaten about of them. They were that good."  

She didn't want to hear what he had to say, but she did hear him laughing as she kept walking to her room to change clothes. 

By the time, she got dress and walked back into the kitchen, Mark had a huge plate of pancakes pile high waiting for her on the table. However, there at the table ready to dig in that plate of pancakes was, David, Billy, Henry, and her dad Steve all waiting to take one of her pancakes. 

She rushes over to table and grabs that plate of pancakes, and began pouring apple butter on top of them. 

She looks over to where the guys were seating and said to them, "What are you looking at? If you are thinking these were for you guys, I am sorry to tell you no. They are all mind. If you want, some you are going have to make your own pancakes, because Mark doesn't have time to start cooking everybody else any. We will be leaving just as soon as I am done here. Isn't that right Mark?" 

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