His to Protect > Chapter 17

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His to Protect 

Chapter 17 

It had been a couple of weeks now, beside the men working around the clock. The men would take turns standing guard of a night while the others would be working with the horses and doing their chores around the ranch. 

Diane was up moving around like enough had happen to her. She had made up her mind to tell everyone what she had lived through since was a small child. If they ask her a question, she would try to answer them the best she could, which was not easy for her, especially the last few months. She told them about why she and her friends had run away. What one of the hardest things she had to tell them was how he kept torturing her dad and one of her older brothers. Then how he made all the slaves there to watch as he tortured them for hours, before they were taken down, then both of them die in hers and her mom's arms. She will never forget that as long as she lives. 

After she had told them every little detail what had happen to her and her family. Each one of her new family member came walking up to her, giving her hugs and telling her everything would work out in the end because now she was home where she belong with them. They also told her she was free and was no longer a slave. Now with her new family by her side, also promising her they will always be here for her whenever she needed something or someone to talk too.  

Henry had been keeping his eye on Diane since she had been staying there. He would smile when she would start singing a song when she thought no one was hearing her or paying any attention to what she was doing. 

Windy came up beside Henry and said to him, "Why don't you go and talk to her. I know you are dying to talk to her. I think she would like that, you know." 

"What would I say to her?" Henry asked her. You know me Windy, I can't just say, how do you like the weather here. Now that would be dumb on my part." 

Windy thought for a moment before an ideal came to her, when she said to him. Have you notice that in the late afternoons she has been resting under that tree over there just looking at those horses. I'm thinking she might like to horseback riding one afternoon." 

"I have seen her sitting there resting, but what if she doesn't know to ride horseback? I would be stupid of me to asking her if she can't ride a horse." Henry replied saying to her. 

Windy laughs a little before saying to him, "Well you not know until you ask her Henry, so go over there and ask her and see what she says. Otherwise, you won't know if she can ride a horse or not. If she doesn't know to ride a horse, then you can tell her you would be glad to teach her to ride a horse. Now get going before you lose your nerve." 

"Yes ma' ma." Was all Henry could come up saying before walking off to where Diane was busy working. 

Henry started walking to where Diane was working. However, he thought it might be best to call out her name first, so not to scare her. " Diane, do you have a minute? I would like to ask you something if you don't mind?" 

She turns around watching as Henry came walking up to where she was. Once he was next to her, she said to him, "Is He thought there something you need for me to do. If it is, you will have to wait until I am done here, then I will help you." 

Henry smiles at her before he shook his head, as if saying no to her. Then remember his manners. "No Diane that isn't it, I wanted to ask you something, if that is alright with you?" 

She could see how nerves he was, and that made her smile, before she said to him. " Well ask away Henry." 

At first, he glances down to his boots, before looking back up to her and seeing, her smiling up to him as was trying to get the words to come out of mouth. Whenever he saw her smiling like that, he thought that was the prettiest smile he had ever seen in his life. He could stand here for hours just watching her smiling. 

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