His to Protect > Chapter 14

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His to Protect 

Chapter 14 

Jake had been holding James in his arms for a few moments after breaking them apart before James started moaning he began talking in a muffled whisper. "How can he still love me after what I have done to him, my own brother?" 

Jake lean his ear closer to his brother's mouth trying to hear what his brother was saying. When he thought, he heard him say something about loving him, Jake held him a little tighter to his heart, rocking back and fore, before he saying. "Yes I still you no matter what you have done. James you have to understand that no matter what we are my brothers. How could I not love you?" As Jake was whispering, all of this to his brother, tears were running down his face. 

Jake took his free hand and began wrapping his tears from his face, as his brother was trying saying something else. It was hard to understand what James was saying, with his lips swallow, bruise, and spit open with blood running out of his mouth. His whole face had taken such a beating, it's a wonder he could even open his eyes to see. When James started coughing blood ran out of the corner of his mouth. James took his hand to his lips began wrapping the blood away from his mouth, before he started talking again. "I am sorry I didn't step forward before you went off to prison for something you did not do.... Can you ever forgive.....me?" 

Jake said loud enough that everyone who was still standing around them could hear him talking to his brother. "It's all forgiven now James, just don't die on me now. We have a lot of time we need to start catching up on James. Cassandra and Windy they will help you in feeling better in no time. So you just hang in there you understand me James, we have a lot to make up for." 

Jake happen to look over to where Running Feet was still lying on the ground as Cassandra was checking him for any new injuries, that he had gotten from between him and James. Although they both looked about the same, Running Feet also had a black eye, and his lower lip was busted also and he could see from where he was seating at Running Feet was having a hard time breathing too. 

Jake called out to Cassandra, "How is he doing?" 

Cassandra looked over her shoulder toward Jake for a second before she answered. "A little worse for wear, but he will make he. What concerns me right now is he is having a hard time in breathing. I don't know if one of his ribs is fractured or just bruise. His other injuries will heal in time if he will listen to me and not do anything; stupid for a while he will be fine." 

"That sounds hopefully," Jake replied before saying. "When you have a chance could you look at my brother too?" 

Cassandra replied as Mark, Steve was bringing to take Running Feet into the cabin, and back into the bed he hated so much. 

As Running Feet was, being carried back toward the cabin Cassandra could hear him saying in a weak voice he didn't want to be inside, that he would rather be outside lying in his own bed while he could sleep under the stars. Cassandra could understand why he felt that way. Nevertheless, until he was better and out of the woods with his new injuries, he would have to deal with it for now. 

Cassandra glanced over her shoulder one more time before walking over to where Jake and James were. She kneels down beside them placing a hand on Jake's shoulder and said to him. "Jake I need you to lie James down on the ground, so I can check him over for any injuries he may have." 

Jake gently laid James down on the ground in front of him, when James started to get up, Jake patted him on his shoulder before saying, and "James you need to let Cassandra check you over so she can see how bad your injuries are. Now lay still James, she knows what she is doing, okay." 

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