His to Protect >Chapter 7

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His to Protect 

Chapter 7 

Mark looked over to Lori and said to her, "You know for some reason I have forgotten his name. Do you remember what his name is? I know Cassandra has told you about him and how we met." David replied with a smile on his face while she thought of his name too. 

She glanced over at the Indian brave as he rested in David's arms. While she looking at him she thought, she saw a smile on his face. Therefore, he was an awake, but for some reason or another he was keeping his eyes closed. 

When she looks down toward his feet she saw how large they were, before a smile came over her face. Lori replied with a laugh in her voice, "I think I might remember now. His name is Running Feet and if you looked down at his feet, you would never forget his name. Because he has the largest feet, I have ever seen on a man." 

David lends over a little looking at his feet and saw what his sister was smiling about, and said to her. "I see why no one would ever forget his name. With his feet being that large, they should have named him Big Foot not Running Feet. Nevertheless, I bet he sure can run, don't you think, Lori." 

"I know what you mean, but how did they catch him in the first place and why way he so far from his tribe?" Lori asked. 

David responded by saying, "I guess we will find out until we get home and Cassandra can talk to him. Then the big mystery will be solved as to why he was caught in the first place." 

They rode in silence for a few minutes before David asked her the question she had been worrying about since no one had really ask before headed out. "Lori do you want to tell me how, you got that bruise on side of your face? In addition, I know Mark saw that bruise too; I think that was one of the reasons why Mark wanted to you to come back with me. So do you want to tell me what happen or do you want me to guess." 

"Well what can I say?" Lori answered. "My back was turned when he jumped me and knotted me down. However, you should have seen what I did to him afterward. He will not be walking straight for a while, because his family jewels might be hurting him when he tries to walks too. What is it with men anyways? They always think they can beat up a woman and get away with it. Well this old girl, will not playing that game, with any man, because my daddy and you taught me how to fight, so I fought back."  

David starts laughing as he answered his sister. "I just bet you did. I have seen you fight and you fight dirty for a girl. However, on the other hand, you could have been hurt really bad, because some men like that kind of pain. However, I can say after Mark gets through with him, he won't be touching another girl. God I wish I could see that, when Mark gets through with him." 

"Me too, David," Lori replied, with a small smile on her face. 

Within an hour of them riding back slowly with their wounded friend in David's arms, they could finally see their house in the distance among the trees. Lori thought for a second about her home back east, how sad she was about leaving it behind, but then a smile came over her face when she thought again that this was hers and Mark's new home. They were already making new memories since they met each other, with more to come each day for the rest of their lives. 

As they rode closer to home, Lori could see her mom outside hanging clothes on a line outside in the back yard not far from the house. It as if her mom knew someone was riding up she turns around to see who was riding on their land. 

Lori turns her head just a little when she said to her brother, "It looks as if she has been washing clothes since we left this morning, thanked God I went with you and the guys this morning. I hate wash-day, because she finds everything that needs washing whether it needs it or not. You know what I mean David, you had to help her one day when I was sick or something and you got stuck helping her wash." 

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