His to Protect > Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Chris

His to Protect 

Chapter 3 

Lori had a pot of rabbit stew cooking over the fire, while she was helping the Mark and Jake as they hauled the logs to the area they would start building there log home. So, when meal was hot they could all seat down after a hard day working. 

When they were finally finish for the day eating around the campfire Lori asked Jake, "Why don't you stay at our camp tonight indeed going back to your camp, wouldn't that be easier of you?" 

Jake glance up from his plate before replying, "I guess so, but I don't want to be in the way. You know what I mean with you all just being married. But thanks just the same. I will be going back to my own camp tonight thou." 

"Well at least think about it anyways why don't you, Jake, it might be easier on Lori too, so she could cook you something for breakfast before we start working for the day." Mark asked. 

"I will, but not tonight thou. Thank you for asking." Jake answered. 

After eating, Jake stood up handing his empty plate to Lori, "Thank you that was really good rabbit stew, the best I have had since my mom has died, and that is saying something." Jake expressed as he was rubbing his full stomach while he stood up getting ready to leave. 

Just as Jake left their camp, Lori said to Mark, "Why don't you go down the river and take a bath while I get our bed ready for tonight. When you get back, I will give you a good back rub to help take out that sorest out of your back. How does that sound to you Mark?" 

"God woman, that sounds wonderful to me. I don't think I have ever been this sore and tired in a long time. The only thing is I have to get up to do that won't I? Please give me a few minutes before I try and get up, and then I will go down to the river to bath." 

A few minutes later Mark finally gotten up from where he been seating and started walking down to the river edge. He took his bath then he came walking back with his shirt already off, and with his jeans hanging low around his hips. As he came walking back into camp, he saw that Lori had their bedroll already laid out, laying close by the fire waiting on him. 

Pulling his pants off and underwear before laying down on the bed, then laying down on his stomach then folding his arms and laying his head on his arms. Lori climbed over and straddling his hips, before lending over his back and kissing his right shoulder then his left shoulder.  

She then whispered by his ear, "You just rest now and I will work my magic fingers all over your back and in a little bit you will feel like a new man; I sure you that you will enjoy this as much as I will. Just relax."  

"Oh God, that feels so good honey, please don't stop whatever you are doing." Mark said in a low moaning voice. 

She kept rubbing his back and going down to the lower part of his back. She whispers softly as she lends down toward his shoulders once again. "Love you baby." 

Then she lends back up with her butt seating on his thighs lending forward again but this time kissing both of his butt cheeks. 

"Feeling like a new man yet?" Lori whispers as she placed more kisses all over his butt cheeks doing things she never done before to the man she loved. 

"Oh yea baby!" he muttered. "You keep doing that something else is already waking up." 

"That's what I am counting on." Lori sighed as she kept on rubbing and kissing his backside. 

Before she knew it, he flipped her off his back and onto her back where he was on top of her so fast she didn't know what was happening, then he was kissing her lips, murmuring, "Things you were doing to me should be against the law, I just couldn't take it any longer. God baby I love you," He kept kissing her lips, then kissing his way down her neck, until he got to her breast where he kissed around her breast, but not touching her nipples where she wanted it the most. 

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