Ciel slowly getting his memory back.

Start from the beginning

I tried many times to get her off of him and let me tell you it's hard, but I know she miss her mama and I would do the same if I miss my mother.

"Come on Abby, let mama rest some more" I said.

"No I want mama" Abby said while holding Ciel tightly.

Ciel sigh and said "please listen to your father okay" and Abby nod and let go of him.

I sigh and saw Claude coming in and said that he going back to the manor and I told him to bring Abby with him because it was close for her night time and I will be there late.

After that I sighed and sat down next to Ciel again. Then Ciel said. "So who was that guy? Is he your twin brother?"

"No but he is my cousin from my dad side of the family" I said.

"Oh.." he said then he look at me and then at my hands "do you know that your nails are black and why you have that mark on your right hand"

"Oh that.." I paused for a bit, I don't know if it the right time to tell him but I don't want him to hate me and remember everything except me.

"It's normal thing" I said.

"Oh ok." He said and look down.

I hold his hand and he look at me confused again.

"Ciel please try to remember me" I said try to get his memory back.

"I still don't know you even if I try" he said.

"Maybe if I talk about what happened in our past maybe it will bring your memories back?" I said

"Okay" he said

*A few moments later* (telling Ciel about his past and ceil is in love with Sebastain and have a daughter and also he is a demon)

"So you remember anything now? " I said

"A little bit.." he said "just me and my family when I little".

"Okay.. what do remember from your past?" I said

"Well.. I stay in the manor because of my sickness of Asma... Well I got it from my mom so yea" he said "and also I see my twin brother playing outside with Elizabeth and my aunt red and my parents too"

"That all?" I said while waiting for him to say it.

"Well.. I do remember my butler tanak always play with me and also give me some sweets from the company and just bake cake or cookies." He said

'now I why he like sweets so much'

"But I do remember that day when my house was on fire and me and my brother were kidnapped and he die and then.." he paused for a moment before he start to talk again.

"Then I saw this creater after that" he said.

So his memory is coming back slowly but they are coming back. Thank God he a.. demon.. then a human because the process to bring there memories back again is a long time and I don't want wait for that long.

I put my hand on top of his, he look at me still confused. It's like he trying to figure out who am I to him, and it's hard for me to not kiss him because I don't want to scared him.

The doctor came in and saw Ciel was awake so they did some test and see if he getting better or not but I hope he doing better because he my only kitten I really care about.

After the test they did on him and all of them saying that he doing good and he can go home tomorrow morning, I was happy that everything is going ok and he can go back home.

*The next day* (in the morning)

It was morning time and I was in the hospital with Ciel, I was getting him ready to go home and then I signed the papers and then we went back to the manor.

"Wow that a big manor" he said while we got in.

My little brother Bryian ran up to him and hug him "oh Ciel your back and alive"

Ciel look at me confused when my little brother Bryian came to him and hug him.

"Sorry Ciel.. this is my brother.. well, my little brother" I said

"Oh.. okay." He said and went to his room

"What just happened..?" Bryian said.

"He lost his memories after the car accident." I said.

"Oh.. so where Lizzie? I always see Claude in her room and cry in his sleep like a nightmare even.." Bryian said.

"Well they were in the car accident that made them to lose their memories. So they don't know us." I said "well Lizzie doesn't know us but Ciel slowly remembering me so that a start."

"Oh.." he said

"Man you had to see Abby yesterday, see didn't wanted let go of Ciel until he told her to listen to me" I said

"Well.. I can't blame her for that.. if I was her I would do the same with mom." He said.

"Well you always did Bryian" I said while smiling a little.

"Well.." he said and cut off himself.

"Yep, you were a mama boy for sure" I said while walking to the stairs to his room and knock on the door.

I enter the room and I saw him laying there peacefully sleeping. I smiled and sat next to him and put him on my lap and hold him tightly and brush hair softly.

'oh my sweet little kitten, I love you so much'

I thought to myself while looking at him. I couldn't hold much longer but I have to do it, I kiss him on the lips and he kiss me back. I was shock but I don't care because he let me to kiss him, I slowly break the kiss and then smile to him.

"Why are you in my bed and why I am sitting on your lap?" he said confused and blushing.

"This is nomal Ciel, I am your boyfriend" I said while gently brush his cheek with my fingers.

"Oh.. sorry I just trying remember everything." He said.

"It okay Ciel" I said while holding him tightly.

He nod and lay his head on my chest and listen to the heart beat, I smile and kiss on top of his forehead..

"So if we are together.. how we did we met and how we had a child?" He said softly.

"Well it's a long story, we met when you and your brother was kidnapped and I saved you from those people but when you saw me I wasn't in my human form. After a few months later when we made a contract, I was your butler and you were my master. But then we had feeling for each and from that day.. I mean that night that I told you about my feeling, we were lover ever since." I said while hugging him

"Oh.." he said smiling and blushing like crazy "so why I'm a girl if my name is a boy name?"

"Well.. you are a boy but in a woman body. My other brother that you didn't and never will see him because he came to the human world to change every little young boys into young girls and use them as slaves for himself." I said.

"Oh.. so what happened to those boys? They got free or something?" He said

"Well we free them and change them back into normal self" he said.

"Oh.. but why I am still a girl if all boys are back to normal?" He said

"Well.. my dad aka the king of hell turn all the young boys back to their normal self but you weren't there and I was afraid that I was going to lose you so we kept you like this and also we got use to having you as a girl" I said

"Oh.." he said and lay his head on my chest.

He slowly felt to sleep in my arms while smiling a little, I smile and kiss on top of his head and hold him tightly. I sighed softly and happly because he in my arms sleeping like in the old days before we had Abby.


This is the end of the chapter.
I hope you like it
So see you in next chapter
Bye 💖💕💋

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