A moments time with my love.

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It was the next day, I got up and got dress and went down stair with my daughter and Sebastian next to me I went to my old study room to see Lizzie and tell her that I am leaving and thanks her to let me stay over night. After that I went to the grave to see tanaka first and my goodbyes and then my parents and tell them that I have a child and they are grandparents , then we went back home in America. When got home I went to to my daughter room and put her on her crib for her nap, then I went to the living room and sat down and Sebastian sat next to me and wrap his arm around me and said.

"I love you ceil"

"I love you too Sebastian"

I lay my head on his lap and said, "how did go with your father?" 

He sigh and said, "well he was mad at me for lie to him one time and me in love with my master part but at the end he let me go to be with you and our daughter"

"I glad you are back with me Sebastian"  I hold his hand

"I am glad I'm with you too ceil" he hold my hand and play with my hair

I close my eyes as he play with my hair for a little while and then I said with a smirk "do you want play something my love"

"Like what my love"

"If we go to the room I tell you their" I was getting up

He smirk and carry me to our room and close the door, lay me down and I pull him down to me  and we kiss. I started to take his close off and take off mine and then he kiss my neck and I started to moan and he slowly kiss down and every kiss he leave my body he make me turn on more and more, and then I felt his finger inside of me. I moan little loud but then he kiss me so I moan into the kiss.

"Seb-Sebastian, I need you now!"

He nod and and take out his finger out of me and put his big member in me and I about to moan but he kiss me and I moan in his mouth so I won't wake up the baby, he thrust into me hard and fast until he find my sweet spot and he really thrust me hard and fast. All you can hear is our moans and skin bumping to each other, after a good 10 mins later we about to come.

"My love, I am coming" I was breathing heavy

"Me too my love" he was breathing heavy too

We came out together and we lay down together, I was still breathing heavy but I was happy that I with him and now forever to come. I even thought I wouldn't be in love with a demon but I am, a demon that is nice and so sweet to me and so caring too. I wouldn't ask a better demon like him he the one of a kind for me. He my little monster that I always love and care, one day we will get marry live together for ever and show the world that he mine and no one lay a finger on him or els they have to go to me first.

"Hey I will get the baby for you" he said while getting up and put his clothes back on and I did the same before he get our daughter..

A min later he came back with our daughter in his arms, I smile and I started to hold her while feeding her milk. Sebastian sat next to me and play with her little hands, after she finish feeding I hold her for a little bit longer until she fell back to sleep. 

I put her in bed next to my bed, and Sebastian got closer to me and hug me and kiss my neck I moan softly to not wake up the baby. "Sebastian, the baby is sleeping"

"I know but I am still want kiss you and have more fun ceil" he said as he kiss me.

"Ok let's do it" I said facing him and I kiss him back..

*two hours later*

I was breathing heavy and laying down on the bed with Sebastian, our daughter still sleeping soundly. And Sebastian said,

"What you want for your birthday my love?"

"I don't know Sebastian, all I want it here next to me"

"So you want me too wrap myself up and you unwrap me like a present?" 


He smile and kiss me and I kiss him back, he always make me laugh or smile with is jokes like this ones. And yes my birthday is coming but I don't like to celebrate it because that day, but he alway try to make it fun for me and love it. 

"Maybe we go on a date just the two of us on your birthday ceil?"

"Well ok but who will take care Abby?" 

"Well Emile can take care of her baby?"

"Ok Sebastian"

I snuggle with him for a little bit before I fell to sleep for a little while, a good half hour later I wake up and felt a arm around my wast . I turn around a little and it was Sebastian sleeping, I smile and look at him wait for him to wake up, it was good to see this in the morning face or when he take a nap. He slowly wake up and he kiss me and I kiss him back, I snuggle with him and I love these moments with him and love it more when I have Abby in my arms and Sebastian next to me.

Now I have a family I wanted and I'm happy but I miss my twin brother, I never wanted act like him and do his work as the 'queen watch dog' but he is my dearest brother but I can't go back in time and save my brother from those people that kill my parents and my twin brother.

"Ciel?" Sebastian said breaking my train of thoughts.

"Yes Sebastian?" I said

"Why you sad? And crying" he said while wipe my tears.

"I just miss someone.." I said with sad tone

Sebastian sigh and hug me tightly. "Do you miss him?" He said softly and I look at him confuse.

"What you mean Sebastian?"

"Do you miss your brother, I mean your twin brother"

I look at him shock and then I nod yes "yes I do miss him"

He kiss my forehead and play with my hair, it sometime calm me down like moment like this. I heard the door and I stand up and put back my clothes and then I open door and I saw the person I never thought I never see again..

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