My twin brother is alive after all.

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I open the door and I saw the person I never thought I will see again.

"Hello, I am looking for ciel phantomhive?" Said my twin brother.

"Yes this is ciel" I said

"So true, now you are a girl!" He said.

"Yes but who told you that?" I said while he enter the house and I close the door.

"Lizzie told me when I went back to our manor, everything is same as before but I didn't saw tanaka. He was a good butler"

"Well he.." I said but I cut off.

Sebastian came to the living room and said, "ciel?"

"Yes?" Me and my twin brother said at the same time.

"Oh my, but I want my ciel now" Sebastian said with a smile.

I nod and went back to my room. "Yes Sebastian?" I said when I enter the room.

"I need help" Sebastian said  while holding Abby.

"Ok" I said and changing Abby.

After I finnish changing Abby I cary her to living room "sorry about that, I had to do something"

"It ok but is this baby is yours?" My brother said.

"Yes she is." I said while holding her.

Sebastian came in the room and sat next to me. "So your his twin brother?"

"Yes, I am" he said

"But wait, how you are alive right now?" I said

"Well I was about to die but someone save me from my death" he said

"Who this person" I said.

"It was a long gray hair guy, he always smiling and he had scard on his face" he said.

"Undertaker!" Me and Sebastian said.

"He resue the first twin but he couldn't save the second twin because someone els have the other twin" Sebastian said

"Wait so who I saw got kill was a kid not my brother" I said.

"Yep" Sebastian said

"But who rescued you?" My twin brother said.

"Well.. He rescued me" I said pointing at Sebastian.

"How? That place have a lot people that you can't get in or out unless that person is not human?" My brother said.

"Well, I am not human" Sebastian said

"Oh, so are you a reaper?" My brother said.

"No I not a reaper I hate them expect undertaker, I am a demon." Sebastian said.

"Oh so one day you will eat his soul?" My brother said

"No, I can't eat his soul" Sebastian said

"Because I'm now a demon" I said.

"Oh" my brother said.

"But at lest we are back together again after 8 year later" I said.

"Yea, I wish Sebastian (the dog) didn't died" my brother said.

At first I thought he was talking about my boyfriend but then I realize he was talking about Sebastian our childhood dog. "Yea."

Sebastian stand up and went to the kitchen and bring two plate of cake, but mine was little more then my brother. "Mm this good cake" my brother said, "I don't want to juge who make a better cake but this the best cake I have in a long time"

"Well, I like what he cook for me" I said while eating my cake.

"Thank you" Sebastian said.

"Your welcome and what your name?" My brother said.

"Oh my name is Sebastian" said Sebastian

"Oh ok" my brother said.

We talk almost to night time and I am happy that my brother is here and alive but I wanted  see my parents again but that will never happen, but it was time for bed so I Abby in her crib and I went back to living room and Sebastian had his head on his hand I slowly walk to him and kiss his cheeks and then he wakes up "sorry I fell asleep" Sebastian said and I smile and I said,

"It ok baby, lets go to bed ok"

"Ok my ciel" he said

I smile and he cary me to our bedroom, I lay down on the bed and close my eyes and then I felt a arm around me and it was Sebastian. I smile and turn around and face him "I felt I was in a dream that I don't want to wake up" I said and Sebastian smile kiss me on tip of my nose. "I feel the samething baby" I snuggle with him and we felt to sleep together.

This the end of this chapter.

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