"Thank you Father." He replied in gratitude.

"I will pick you up at King's Cross at the end of the year. I should have my body back by then. Before I leave, however, I will need a small amount of your blood for the ritual."

"Of course. Here." Hadrian said, holding his wrist out. Voldemort took out a small silver knife from Quirrell's pocket and gently cut Hadrian's wrist, letting the blood flow into a vial. When it was filled up, Voldemort sealed it and healed Hadrian's arm, not even leaving a scar.

"This is goodbye then. I will see you in three weeks time." Voldemort said, and vanished with a pop. Hadrian smiled slightly into the night.


"Let's find a compartment!" Draco said, walking ahead of Hadrian to the Hogwarts Express.

In the past few weeks, students were anxious and excited to leave school for the summer, so much that they neglected their school work. For Hadrian, this wasn't a problem, however he was not as excited for summer as the rest of the students. Summer was a time of heat and sun, the two things Hadrian despised the most about weather. He would rather dance in the rain than fly on brooms in the heat.

So he spent most of his time indoors, reading books and practicing spells. Draco mentioned that this was probably why he was so pale.

Thus, he walked briskly to the train and sighed quietly in relief when he got inside, enjoying the cool air of the train. He followed Draco to a compartment at the end of the hall and sat on the bench opposite of the blond, pulling out a book.

There was minimal conversation until the rest of Draco's friends came in, talking amongst each other and eating candy from the trolley.

"Hadrian, what will you be doing for the summer? You've never really talked about your relatives." Theo asked, joining Hadrian in the conversation.

"I will be staying with my father, probably going to some different countries most of the time." He replied, not taking his eyes off the page.

"Who is your father? Is he a pureblood?" Draco asked.

"Yes, he is."

"I've never seen any Lord Riddle at the Pureblood Socials that we hold." Draco mentioned.

"We are a very conservative family. We rather dislike traitors and those who wish to use us for our wealth." He muttered, trying to end the topic of his family.

"Your wealth? The Malfoy's haven't had problems with that which they couldn't handle, why would yours be any different?"

"Imagine the Malfoy fortune." Hadrian started, finally looking up. "And triple it." There was silence at that, before Draco stood up with an outburst.

"That would make you the richest family in all of Britain! Surely we would have known!" He cried.

"Draco." Hadrian glared, daring him to continue. Draco's mouth shut with an audible click and he sat down, folding his hands.

Hadrian snapped his book shut, and began putting it away.

"We're here." He said, noticing the looks he was getting. They got up with him and went to the front of the train to avoid the wave of students that would come in minutes. The train slowed down before coming to a complete stop, and they immediately went off before they got trampled.

Draco went to his parents, as did the rest of his friends, however Hadrian walked to the back of the platform and stepped into the shadows, where his father was waiting. Although he couldn't see a body because they were in there shadow forms, Hadrian knew it was his father from the dark magic that was around him.

They traveled to a secluded place to apparate and reformed there. For the first time ever, Hadrian saw his father in the flesh.

His hair was styled exactly like Hadrian's, with a wave to the side, however Hadrian's hair was a shade darker than his father's, if that was even possible. Voldemort's eyes were a blood red, which Hadrian noticed his own eyes flashed to at times, and his face was just as angular and aristocratic as himself. Overall, anybody could tell that they were father and son.

"Hadrian. Shall we go? Ah, but before that, how about we go and say hello to the Malfoy's?" Voldemort suggested, gesturing to the family who was having a 'disagreement' with the Weasley's.

"Of course Father, this will be very amusing." Hadrian replied, smirking. They walked over to the group in an imposing fashion, making themselves look as regal as possible. Though for Voldemort, that wasn't very hard at all.

"Lucius, what a pleasure." Voldemort smirked as they stopped next to them. Lucius gaped, completely forgetting image, and stuttered, before picking himself up quickly.

"Lord Riddle, the pleasure is all mine." Lucius said, bowing slightly.

"Ah, and you must be Lord Weasley." He said, turning towards the group. The sea of red was almost blinding, and he was getting annoyed with them before they even started talking.

"Yes, and who are you?" Weasley Senior asked skeptically.

"Lord Marvolo Riddle, Lord of Slytherin and Riddle." Marvolo said, holding out a hand.

"Nice to meet you." Weasley said blandly, shaking his hand with clammy palms. Marvolo subtly wiped his hand on his robe in disgust.

"Well. I'll be going with my son now. Lord Malfoy, Lord Weasley." He nodded to them, guiding Hadrian to the apparition point. When they were out of sight from the group, Hadrian burst out laughing.

"Did you see Lucius! He looked like he'd seen a ghost! And Weasley, he didn't even know that he'd just shook hands with the dark lord! Ha!" He exclaimed, holding his stomach. Marvolo chuckled at his son's actions, shaking his head. Though, he was slightly concerned. It was beginning to show more.


Uuuuugggghh stupid Wattpad! I just lost half of the stuff I had written because it shut down on me! Anyways, PLEASE LOOK BACK AT CHAPTER 5. I EXPLAINED HOW HADRIAN AND VOLDEMORT WERE PUREBLOODS. I changed some things from the original story, making it so that Voldemort was a pureblood. I'll also be calling Voldemort 'Marvolo' from now on, because he hates his first name and Marvolo just sounds so cool, sooooo, yeah. Hope you liked the chapter, even though half of it was rewritten! Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now