"To him yes, to me no." I say solemnly.

"What's his name?" She asks

"Eric." I reply, memories of him and my brother entering my mind.

Oh how I miss them! And it hasn't even been a day! But I have to stay away I'm a danger to them and I can't bare to see them hurt or worse dead.

"Well I have a feeling they are coming for you."

"I'm sure they are but they aren't safe with me. And by the time they find this place I'll be far gone." I say and she nods

"Do you want me to tell them that you were here?"

"Yes but do not say where I am going. Just tell them I'm safe and they should turn back." I say

"Ok." She replies and I smile as she makes the ground above me open and places her hand on my arm.

"You ready?" She asks

"Yes." I reply and my feet leave the ground.


"Josiah come on." I say the next morning reloading my gun and standing up. He gets up too and we start off.

"Do you have any thought as into where she might be going?" I ask

"No idea she could be anywhere and that's what scares me." He replies and I nod. A crunch sounds from behind us and I groan inwardly.

"Show yourself! Let's get this over with!" I yell yanking out my sword.

"Have somewhere to be!?" I swing around and block a blow to my head and kick out.

"Matter a fact we do." I spit then the rest of the dark elves jump from the woods. I block blow after blow and dodge arrow after arrow. I yank out my pistol and shoot three down then block more blows. I jump back against a tree and kick up hard making the knife fly from his hand. I kick him in the face and stab him with my knife watching him fall dead. More keep coming and Josiah and I continue fighting. I back bend as an axe comes at me then I push up and jump at the elf. He slashes at me and I dodge a deadly blow and slice off his head spinning around. Four elves come at me and I jump backwards and yank out my gun and shoot them down.

Josiah kills five more and then it's down to us and three more. They shoot arrows at us and we dance around the woods dodging and blocking. I jump over a rock flipping in the air and shooting my gun as I dodge an arrow in the sky. The elf falls dead and I land in a crouch and run at the second one. I hear Josiah kill one and I finish off the last one with a huff.

"Let's go before more show up." I say and he nods as we run off.


"So this path will lead you away. It's the safest path that I know of. You should be safe on this trail aside from the normal one or two demons that crawl the grounds. As I'm sure you know stick a knife through their hearts or cut off their heads." She says and I nod

"Thank you so much. For the food, clothing, and for taking me this way I owe you." I say

"Beat demon ass that's all I need. They take our food and kill our children we hate them just as much as you guys do. That's all I wish." She says

"I will fight for you and for your brother and for your kind even if all they want is to kill innocents and suck their blood." I say

"We have to get food from somewhere." She says

"Why don't they drink animal blood like you?" I ask

"They're rogue. Too much human blood stole the last bit of humanity they had. Not all of us are as bad though." She says and I nod.

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