Yandere Chan x male reader

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This year in Akademi High school is just chaos...
Everybody is dying and just disappearing that everyone is all the people I talk to Osana, Amai, Kazana, Oka, Asu, Muja, Mida, Ososro, Hanako, and Megami. I was so outgoing and happy but now I'm cold to everyone and I don't smile. I don't want to talk to anyone. During lunch I eat at the classroom.
I met another girl her name's Ayano, Ayano Aishi. She's very sweet and shy, but I don't want me to get attached to her since all the girls I met and liked died or disappeared I don't want that to happen to her.
"Ayano, I think we shoul-ldnt be freinds anymore ..." I said to her. Her smiled vanished. "What...?" she asked. She looked heart broken. "All the girls I met they v-vanished it wor-rse died." I told her "I don't want to stop being freinds, but it's for your safety." I said turning away from her not wanting her to see my tears and me not wanting to see her tears. "I understand, " she began "Can we continue to be freinds after maybe a month ?" she asked. I nodded "After it all dies down we can continue being freinds."
Friday the next day.....
I avoided Ayano and she avoided me. During class I was drawing Ayano.

(this does not belong to me)I smiled at it

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(this does not belong to me)
I smiled at it. "Y/n, what are you doing ?" the sensei yelled at me. She walked over to my desk and took the drawing from my hands and ripped it to pieces. "Now pay attention."she said beginning the lecture again.
Ayano p.o.v
I was watching y/n while he was in his class. I felt rage boiling up inside of me. But I can't kill her or kidnap Her since I have to wait for senpai...
A month later ( your p.o.v)
A month had ended and no disappearances and murders had accured and I was happy about that. 'I can finally talk to Ayano again !!' was the only thought in my head.
Class ended and I ran to Ayano's classroom. When she got out of her class I hugged her.

 When she got out of her class I hugged her

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"I missed you ." I said her black hair tickled my cheek.
Ayano's point of view
Finally I won my senpai....
"I missed you too." your my senpai... Forever.

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