No! No no no! Not again! I wasn't going back to be tortured! I wasn't going to let Cory and Max and Alesa go back either!

I raised my hand and knocked the guards back off their feet and away a few yards. I looked back at Cory and helped him up, "Quickly! We have to go back to Max and Alesa!"

Cory nodded and yelled out slightly in pain as we both started running away trying to get to Max and Alesa. "Max! Alesa!" I shouted, trying to get some attention.

I heard something behind me and I made the choice to look back. It was Alesa's van. I slowed and Alesa stopped beside me, "Hurry, get in! We need to find Max!" Alesa said in a rushed voice. I nodded and Cory and I got into the back.

Cory took off his vest and hoodie and lifted the sleeve of his short sleeve shirt up, rolling it up onto his shoulder. He winced and I went over to him. "Alesa do we have any bandages?!"

"Yes! There should be a need bag in the corner with wrap around bandages!" She called back and I quickly grabbed it and opened it. I took out the bandages and towels.

"This will hurt . ." I said and pressed the towel onto his wound. Cory yelled out again and bit his lip. I dabbed up the blood, the bleeding having stopped a little. I started to wrap the bandages around his arm and then tucked it under so it would stay tight. "Hold it. We will get back and I'll take you to the med center." Cory nodded, holding his wound and wincing.

I opened one of the doors to the van and looked out, trying to look through the trees for Max. I couldn't see him and growled under my breath, "Alesa turn around he may be the other direction."

"Got it!" She yelled back and turned the van around and went the other way. I looked back at Cory, "I'm so sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" He said his voice pained.

"It's my fault. They're looking for me. Not you. I shouldn't have come."

"Shelby! It's not your fault, okay? Even if you didn't come, they would've still found us! Shelby, I'll be okay. We will find Max, and we will kill the guards. We will go back to Latibule and I'll get the help I need."

I sighed in frustration and then heard a yell outside. It was Max screaming. "Alesa stop!" Alesa stopped and I jumped out running towards the source of the screams.

I heard yelling again. A yell of anger and a gun shot and then a yell of pain. My heart raced as I ran towards the noise, ears ringing and sweat dropped down my forehead. Panic and fear creeped up on my body and to pounced like a lion upon its prey.

I saw Max withered up on the ground and the guard hand cuffing him, the flames on his hands stopping immediately as well as the flames licking off his hair. The guards forced him to his feet and he yelled and cried out in pain as one of the guards yanked him by his right arm.

My eyes narrowed and I balled my hand into a fist immediately the guns the guards were holding crumpled up and were no longer of use. The guards looked shocked and quickly spun around to face me.

"It's her! 001!" They shouted and let go of Max who fell to the ground and curled up after a couple sharp gasps of air. I quickly raised my hands up and held both of the guards throats. Their eyes went wide and their gasps for breath sounded as I lifted them up off the ground by their necks, cutting off oxygen supply.

Prisoners of the Facilities Where stories live. Discover now