Season 2 ~ Part 3

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After a couple of weeks of preperation, Mike finally takes y/n to an audition for a short musical, not that well known, to start off with.

Mike POV

I could tell how nervous y/n was getting while we were waiting in line. She had to sing a really passionate song in the musical. She wasn't confident about her voice, and she was terrified of going up on stage in front of only a few people.
When it was finally her turn, I sat opposite the stage and gave her a thumbs up. She looked terrified as she told them her name and other small details. Then, they asked her to sing. She moved slowly towards the microphone with extra caution as if it were a vicious dog that she needed to tame. She gripped onto it tightly as her hands shook and sweat in fear. She began to open her mouth to sing but then not him came out. Looking around in a panic she was trying to find me. She couldn't see me in the dark seating area which caused her to panic more. I saw her lose focus and suddenly started breathing heavily. I stood up realising what was about to happen when she began crying and her breathing was short and fast. She was having a panic attack. You could see the terror in her eyes. She collapsed onto her knees and everyone was in a state of confusion and worry. I rushed towards the stage and comforted her as much as I could. "Hey, hey y/n, I'm here. I'm right here. It'd okay. Breathe." I touched her on the shoulder lightly hoping it would help and not scare her more. It helped. She dived into my arms and I caressed her hair. "It's okay, breathe in and out, slowly. Can you do that for me? It's okay, everything is fine now, I'm with you." As she began to calm down, I apologised and left with her. She wouldn't let go of my arm all the way back to my house. She looked regretful and guilty. Then when we got to mine, she said "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't do it. That was so stupid of me and I caused you trouble." She was rubbing underneath her eyes trying to stop the tears from falling. I pulled her in and hugged her tightly. I didn't want her to feel that way. She did so well. She did her best. "It's fine." I smiled "You tried your best and you did really well. At least you tried. You haven't troubled me at all. Next time, we will be better!" She released herself from the hug, "we?" She asked still sniffling from crying. "Yes we. We're in this together." I responded. She then laughed "that's so cringey!"
Please..continue to laugh like that. If nothing else, I want to see you laugh and be happy like that always. Those thoughts poured into my head like a waterfall. Not long after that she told me she wanted to get counciling. I was a little shocked at her confidence but I agreed. This will be good for her.

I will continue to be her support. Even if she finds someone else. Even if she decides to go a different path. I will be the support that leads her to her future for as long as I can be.

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