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All I can hear is clicks of the barrels getting attached to the guns, heavy sighs of stress, mutters about me and how I am their only advantage in this war.

I open the diary of Anne's and I still can't read it but I can understand what it's supposed to mean. How she dated Cillian as he was a Macbeth figure, but then there is something none of us noticed.

"I hear chants of war, echoing from the outside, glass shattering, guns ablazing and I just stand there and admire what is going on. I feel a hand reach for my coat and I turn to see my daughter, gazing into my eyes, wanting this war to end. She also wanted her mother.
I picked her up and let her see the erupting fire from the bombs which detonated, ripping each opponents' limbs and heads apart - which resulted in a bloody mess.
Cillian didn't like it much but I think it somehow turned me on...
Turned on the thirst for more war-"

"You alright?" Toboni is peering over my shoulder and I instantly shut the book. Toboni put her finger on the pages as some kind of bookmark.

"Just looking for more evidence... And I am also trying to read." I say as a response to her question.

She nods. "You still contemplating whether to restore the light in Cillian? 'Cause if you are then remember, I started this idea for you. Sparked that little-" she pokes my forehead. "- flame into your mind. I know that he will come back... Believe me."

I nod at her and she smiles at me reassuringly, wandering off to check on other soldiers.

I look around and I see Adam sitting there, making sure his gun is loaded. Everyone seems very unsettled.

So I rise from the wooden box which contains various types of weaponry stored securely in it and I stand on it; and I admire the soldiers. Toboni looks up to me along with the rest and the whole room goes silent, facing directly at me.

"You know I am you're only hope in winning this war and you're right. I can help you. You won't be aline because I will be here.
"If you lose your comrades during the battle, take it to your heart but fight... For them. Not for us. For them. And I know some people are fighting right now and lost their very own lives... But they didn't do it for us. They did it for their lost friends.
"If you want to win, fight with all your might. Even if you die on the battlefield, you helped a million of lives.
"We will not die astray. We will move as one like we are a stampede. We can take them down, one by one. And soon... We will confront Anne and Cillian... We will show them what we're made of!"

And a roar of triumph filled the room, male, female, gender fluid roars...
That makes me fill myself with pride.

Toboni grabs another box and she stands on it right next to me.

"You heard what the Phoenix said! Now it's my turn to share my voice: you gotta rise up when everyone is living on their knees, begging for help. In this case, it would be the injured soldiers who may have been injured.
"Don't fall for their tricks: they could lead you to certain death by them or by us.
"I just want to say that I hope to guide you all through this war and if we stay together, we can win this."

Then Adam comes up, less bolder than us two but more confident by his voice. He stands to my left.

"There maybe no tomorrow, yesterday is gone so today is what we have left. If we take down those ghastly people, we will finally bring freedom to our town and our country. No more emperors and empresses. We will only have a queen. If not then we will need to get a new one but hey.
"So if we fall, you gotta get the fuck back up again!"

Then the room fills up with cheers. Rebellious ones.

"Raise a glass to freedom!" Davy says, holding a shot glass of whiskey.

"For freedom!" we chant at the top of our voices with pride, pounding our fists into the air.

Then I see Adam depart, seeming like he is going to look for someone.


I smell nothing but petroleum around the entrance of the Healing Faction. I walk out and I see Viola pouring it over the concrete, splashing it upon the walls.

"What are you doing?!" I cry.

Viola looks up at me. "As you can see, it's getting dark and they know that a rebellion is going to occur tonight. So to make ourselves stand out, we are gonna blow up this building. Make sure all our evidence will be gone so none of our opponents shall strive to get into the building."

And yes, she is right.

That's what they do when a serious war is coming along... Like what they sometimes do in the movies. They get rid of their bases so their enemies cannot locate it.

But I thought that Jeanine or Lawrence would do this, not Viola.

"Then we charge into war?"

"You guys do that, I would need to set this alight." she said. "I'll catch up with you soon."

Is she telling me to go?

"Should I leave?"

"Yes. Assemble everyone. It's time for war."

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