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The sun rises over the horizon, the start of a new day...

Yesterday was traumatic as how bombs went off, Lawrence getting injured, finally finding Lee and Davy... The two bodies of the innocent girls.
I heard from Toboni that the survivor is still living, but not stable to walk... Yet.

I sit by Lawrence who was thinking about me... Noticed me... Re-introduced me to Nat who now lives in her mind. But what was strange is that I was there with Nat - in the light. Luckily I thought of bringing a weapon with me for God know what could be lurking in my love's mind. But I couldn't put myself to shoot Anne...

Lawrence would say that I am too much of a coward. Not to be rude but she would.

Toboni stands beside me, staring down at Lawrence.

"You okay?" she questions, resting her hand on my broad shoulder.

I nod.

"Don't worry... I know that she was thinking about Nat. I saw." she smiles. "She always does."

I look at her and realise she is also a Descendant. Only we can seep into other thoughts.

Toboni sits down and takes off her eye-patch to reveal a grey iris with a small scar below her eye, reaching to the tip of her cheek.

"I always wondered what was underneath that," I exclaim, shaken with awe inside but not explicitly so she can see.

"I needed to take it off for a bit." she lays the eye-patch beside her then stares at Lawrence. "Viola said she will wake up today... I heard her conversation with Jeanine."

I look up to Toboni. "What if she doesn't wake up?"

"She woke up last time when Jeanine attacked her. So she will this time."

And when she said that, my girlfriend's eyes flutter open and squints in the light.


My eyes sting as I force my eyes open. Before, my legs were pretty much as painful as if someone threw a brick at them. But now I don't feel anything.

Beside me, I see Adam and Toboni, staring down at me with delight.

"Lawrence!" Toboni flings her arms over my shoulders, pretty much crying over the fact I am still I've for what happened since we fled our hometown.

I laugh lightly and accept her embrace, resting my head on her shoulders.

Adam gets up as Toboni releases me and he kisses my forehead softly - where my scar is. As his lips depart, I hear running and shouting with excitement from the corridors.







And instantly, every single soldier in this rebellion swarm into this cramped room but the person who stands out the most is Jeanine... Wearing...

My eyes flood with tears but I'm not sad.

I am actually happy.

Because Jeanine is wearing the dress which Nat wanted when we went to the shops.

"Jeanine..." I whisper underneath my breath, lip trembling, mouth twitching upwards.

Jeanine walks over to me and presses her head against mine and I do not know what this means but this is nice.

She departs next to Viola and what she does is the Lunar Phoenix salute to me and I do it back to her and in an instant, the soldiers cheer triumphantly.

"Why are they cheering?" I ask Toboni.

"She was confirming whether you were still you. And you are!" she beamed at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

Everyone kept smiling, cheering and bouncing and to be honest, I haven't seen anyone as happy as this. I get out of bed to see I am still wearing my torn clothing.

The majority of them stop and stare at me and Viola puts her hand up to silence them all and amazingly, they all stop.

"Get Lawrence her new clothes," she commands and two exit the room. She looks at me and smiles. "The changing room is just parallel to here."

"Okay, thank very much." I nod at her and in an instant, they come back with black and crimson red material in their arms. They hand it over to me and I walk to the changing room to get into my new clothes.

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