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James Rexha hoists me onto one of the horses which he owns and I watch Lawrence swing her legs over his personal chestnut horse - which he calls "Rhapsody" - and stroke the mane of her. 

My sister makes eye-contact with me and I do the same with her and I try my best to smile at her when she beams at me with triumph. 

Why can't I? Why can't I smile at her?

I stare back at my horse and I grasp hold of the reigns tightly. I remember how to ride one. I remember pursuing Lawrence down the path and how she destroyed the bridge. I remember halting. I remember... 

"Let's go!" James hops onto his own horse and grabs his reigns and pulls them towards him, causing his stone grey horse to lead the way. Then Lawrence takes off, leaning in some streamlined position, then I trail behind them. I remember I had the shotgun on the back of me. I lean over as if I had it - which I still do - and I feel the wind run its fingers through my long blonde hair. 

 I catch up with Lawrence who is isn't examining the road among her; instead, she is staring ahead, moving her hair out of the way every now and then. To be honest, it would be better if we used motorbikes as they are easier to ride but not everyone knows how to maneuver a bike as well as me. But at least she knows that she can't ride one but I can. 

Rhapsody strides beside me ever so powerfully - so powerfully that I cannot figure out how Lawrence can keep her balance. But she's doing it. 

Doing it with pride and courage.

I realise that Lawrence's eyes are slowly flowing with tears but she is trying to hold them back. 

"Let them go..." I tell her and then one drop leaks from her hazel eyes, running down her cut face. 

I can't bear to stare at Lawrence crying but I've seen it before - when I was mentally unstable so I focus on the cracked and shattered path ahead of me. I can sense the heat clambering to my body from the flames which we pass. 


One bomb detonates within Central Elizabeth, light bursting in between the buildings, making them crumbling down to its feet. We pull the reigns closer to us, making sure that our horses don't get flattened by the falling rubble; forcing them to halt. I can hear them whimpering in fear. 

"Left." I direct and James leads the way once more, followed by Lawrence and I. As we draw closer to the centre, the explosions begin to increase in its volume like someone decided to turn it up with a remote control. 


Another one detonates, blowing the buildings to smoke and debris, scattering across the road. Fire roaring out of the windows in an instant, glass fragmenting into small shards (small but lethal). 

"We can't go back!" Lawrence yells. "It's either forward or left again as right has been a recent target of explosions!" 

"Raight! So we betta 'ead forward!" he stares at Lawrence. "Go on! Lead us!" And so Lawrence did. I trailed behind Lawrence but ahead of James. She ran past the burning buildings, her ripped clothing becoming stained with ash, bare back pelting with sweat. Lawrence doesn't care whether she is pretty much getting burnt. I don't think she even has a problem-

Oh wait. 

She's a Descendant of the Lunar Phoenix-


Watching from the bay, far back - away from subject, Blue Season, I examine the dark room, blue lights flickering around the unconscious teen, hanging there limply. Sweat droplets weep out of their pours, their arm red from the tattoo I have given them. It stands out perfectly on it, just below the joint from the shoulder so whenever they flex it, everyone can witness who they are. 

I have arranged to have another one on their back once they have recovered.

Steven enters the room and witness the sight with me, hand-in-hand. 

"Has she woken up?" he questions. 

"Not since we had to put her down. She tried to pull from her restraints made by the masculine hands of our strong officers," I say. "Just look how innocent she looks. Her hair flowing down her head luxuriously, her athletic figure hanging there..." 

"This is what they have wanted." he smiles, looking down at me. I smile back as I don't get why he's smiling. But I do it anyway. "

Cillian would be proud of you," he states. 

I stare up at him. "Cillian? What's he got to do with it? This is my operation," I point at Blue Season through the thick panel of glass. "She is mine! Don't you understand? I will do whatever is needed and if it's not up to their standards then tough shit, ey?" 

Steven scowls. "Very well. Don't blame me whether she ain't up to "their standards"-" 

"She's awakened!" And behind the panel, I can hear "Hello?" and "Can anyone hear me?!" and I realise that she is the one. 

Lawrence Anne Holloway. 


"Jeanine?" Lawrence is still on her horse, staring at me with confusion. "You went into some kind of haze for a few seconds. Are you okay?"

I nod quickly. "We need to get the others." and Lawrence agrees. "Where's James?"

"Gone to search for his son. He thought you mentioned him in your trance, saying something like... "Toby... Where are you?" and that set him off. He left me behind with you so... yeah. It's us two now."

 I frown. "I saw him." 

"Who? Toby?"

 "No... Steven." and that sent Lawrence into absolute shock, fear and guilt - all blended into one. "He was saying stuff like "Cillian would be proud of you,"." 

Her shocked expression transformed into a comforting face, hand resting onto my shoulder, and one clenched tightly on Rhapsody's reigns. "Don't let that affect you as well as this war. Soon, it'll be all over." then a pause. "I promise." And we ride away, side-by-side; something I'd never expect in my life.

Where The Wind BlowsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz