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Hi muffins,
How are you all today?
I hope you have a great day ahead.xx

I dedicate this chappie to larryislouisxharry . She is a wonderful writer and I love her book 'The Opposite of Ordinary'. In fact, all her books are absolutely amazing. So, do check out if you haven't till now.

Finally the chappie where


So here it is. Hope you like it. And if you do please do vote and comment ❤️

The night passed without any sleep for all of them. The next day Louis dropped Ethan at Zayn and Liam's place, telling him that he was going out for work for a few days. Ethan was adamant on not letting Louis go. He complained that Louis came home from Cambridge only yesterday, and now he had to go again. Ethan was upset cause he had planned a picnic with his dada for the day and now he had to cancel it because of dada's silly work.  Louis pampered him with kisses and hugs to stop the little boy's grousing. After a lot of pouting and whining Ethan agreed on the condition of his dada calling him every day and a trip to the theme park with Zayn.

Louis and Liam boarded the plane at 11 and as soon as the plane took off, Liam dozed off due to his lack of sleep last night.

He had almost finished his packing when Zayn came home from Louis' place last night and just as Zayn saw Liam, he jumped into his arms and cried hard. He had controlled himself in front of Louis but he let all his guards down in front of Liam. Zayn and Liam were Harry's friends too. During the last two years of high school, they all had become the most popular gang of friends, who always hung out together and had fun. Zayn was really upset with the news of Harry's accident and he also couldn't see Louis in such misery. He had cried for a long time in Liam's arms while Liam was soothing him. With so much in plate for them, both of them didn't sleep.
That's why, just as he settled in his seat on the plane Liam decided to take a nap. Moreover, he had a lot to do in LA, he couldn't afford to be jet-lagged.

And Louis? Well let's just say that things like sleeping and eating were out of his routine. He felt desolated. Sleep did not come to him at all and that uneasy feeling refused to leave him. His heartbeat was fast and nothing could distract him from this.  Throughout the morning Zayn had tried cracking jokes and making humorous comments just to get a small smile or chuckle from Louis in return, but it was in vain. Louis had  smiled only once since yesterday and that was while dropping Ethan off to Zayn. Ethan had given his lucky hug to him when he was about to leave for the airport which instantly made him smile at the innocence and sweetness the little one held. His baby had effortlessly brought a smile on his face but that didn't last long.

Louis kept looking out of the plane window and stared at the clouds. How they looked so fluffy and stuffed from afar but were hollow from within, just like him. He kept thinking about what would happen in LA. He would probably see Niall and Anne. They would maybe affront him and hate him. He might also see this Elisa girl there. But most importantly, he was going to see Harry. After six long years, he would see him in person and not in photos or YouTube videos.

Oh how much he wished that the conditions, in which they are meeting, were better.


The plane landed at LAX airport at 2 in the afternoon (according to time in LA). Liam suggested that they take a hotel room and rest for a while before going to the hospital but Louis couldn't wait anymore. Now that he was just a drive away from Harry, he was getting desperate with every passing moment. Louis insisted on going straight to the hospital. Seeing Louis' distress and desperation, Liam had to agree.

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