Angelo Lento

61 1 23

Basic Character Question
▪First name?
- Angelo

- Lento

▪Middle names?
- n/a

- Angie,

▪Date of birth?

- 23

Physical / Appearance
- 195 (6'5")


- lean but muscular

▪Hair colour? Hairstyle?
- black and messy down

▪Eye colour? Eye Shape? Glasses or contact lenses?
- bright purple. No glasses but did this of contact lenses to change his natural purple eye colour.

▪Distinguishing facial features?
- eyes

▪Which facial feature is most prominent?

▪Which bodily feature is most prominent?
- chest and hands

▪Other distinguishing features?
- n/a

▪Skin? Colour? Feel?
- slightly tanned but otherwise olive

▪Hands? Type? Length? How the nails are kept?
- Strong, calloused, long slender fingers, nails kept well kept

▪Make up?
- n/a

▪Scars? How did they get them? What do they look like?
- n/a

▪Birthmarks? Where is it?
- n/a

▪Tattoos? Where? Why? Appearance?
- n/a

▪Physical handicaps?

▪Type of clothes?
- Button up shirts, black slacks or jeans, hoodies when cold as well as a mask to cover face when needed.

▪How do they wear their clothes?
- Shirt is buttoned up expect the first two buttons, sleeves rolled up to just pasted elbow and depending on occasion left untucked or tucked.

▪What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc)
- Polished back dress shoes for fancy occasion, sneakers or bare foot other times.

▪Race / Ethnicity?
- Caucasian but based on a south Korean.

- Polite but tends to be violent. Depends on the person. Is kind and loving to the ones he likes.

▪Are they in good health?
- Best of health but has trouble with sleep.

▪Do they have any disabilities?
- n/a

▪What words or phrases do they overuse?
- My Kitten

▪Do they have a catchphrase?
- My Kitten, otherwise they don't have one.

▪Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?
- Inbetween

▪Are they introverted or extroverted?
- depends on who he's around.

▪Do they ever put on airs?
- All the time.

▪What bad habits do they have?
- Anger easily, jumps to conclusions, quick to violence

▪What makes them laugh out loud?
- (Y/n) being cute or having fun. Joking with Jesse. Murdering others

▪How do they display affection?
- Over the top. Clingy, aggressive.

▪Mental handicaps?
- obsessive and possessive easily

▪How do they want to be seen by others?
- Strong. Independent, someone to avoid.

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