Chapter 12: "Where do we go from here?"

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Must be refreshing indeed.

"Now now, we don't intend to judge anybody, now do we? Your brother, as well as I, are merely curious about how you came to know of my brother's whereabouts in the first place." Klaus asks, more satisfying his curiosity than Damons "Somebody must've sent you. I would've known if a Salvatore lived in New Orleans."

"Do you really want to know who send me? I don't think you'd be happy with the answer." You say and Klaus narrows his eyes, trying to gather any information as to who you're referring to.

"You were sent? Like a spy?" Stefan asks, now curious despite his previous statement.

"You could say that." You nod" It was in 1913. I was ordered to gather information about the Original family. So I did. When I learned of Kols history I discharged my mission and we joined forces."

"Why would you do that?"

There it is. The moment at the crossroads. You could either go down the same path you've been trodding on since you returned to this dreadful town. It's the path lead by the fear of losing your brothers again, so you kept secrets hidden behind lock and key or you sugar coated them to lessen the blow.

Then there's the unknown, foggy path, where every secret and bottled feeling lies out in the open. The road might be lonely, but if there is one feeling you're used to it is loneliness.

Screw it. Nothing left to lose anyway.

Secret's out. Better to abandon the path the led to nowhere.

"Because he was abandoned by his family like I was. The odd ones out that nobody seemed to care about."

Stefan looks on his plate as does Elijah, a rush of guilt rushing over both of them. Stefan seems to feel responsible for sending you away after he figured out that you were the one that told your father about Katherine. And Elijah, well, he stood by while Klaus daggered his siblings and did nothing. Of course, he feels guilty. He should.

Klaus and Damon, on the other hand, don't seem to be too faced by all of it. Their masks of anger and wit still glued to their faces.

"And somewhere along the line, we fell in love. Until he decided to take him away," You reminisce, pointing at Klaus," simply because we planned on doing the same to him he did to all of his siblings." You look at Klaus, his face unchanged, almost bored by the telling of your story. "And you saw it as a betrayal, didn't you? As if you never betrayed your family before."

"And despite all your joined ambition look where you are now. Kol is safely tucked away, as is the key ingredient of the weapon that has the same effect as a common dagger. You've dealt your cards, now haven't you?"

He's right. You have dealt your cards and you don't have an ace in the hold.

"So, that's why you waltzed back into town, isn't it? To find Kol?" Damon asks, eerily similar to Stefan only mere days ago.

"No, Kol not the only reason. I came back to help Stefan. And maybe even for you. Not that you care of course."

"Now now, Y/N, don't forget the best part about your arrival. Or should I say Elijah's arrival?

"Niklaus." Elijah shakes his head, warning his little brother to stop treading on the path of alienating you and your siblings.

But Klaus being Klaus he decides to make things worse instead. "Tell me, who falsely lured my dear brother to Mystic Falls with the promising news of yet another Petrova doppelganger, hoping it be me who comes running?"

Stefan snickers at Klaus words and shakes his head in disbelief.

"Something funny?" Klaus asks, not quite understanding the reason for Stefan's amusement.

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