7. With You

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It was true though that Lisa loves Jennie so much, but just as a bestfriend.. no more.. no less..

Lisa's PoV

"what, what?" I asked Jennie confused.

"Hey hey, you two noisy love birds, were sleeping here" Jihyo complained.

Jennie shot me a 'you have to explain to me everything' look before she went out the van and headed to the passengers seat.

Well, the scary Jennie as ever.

"If the three of you dont get out of this van right now, you'll sleep outside!"

Savage as ever..

As soon as the three heard her, I saw how they became so startled and quickly got and went out of the van, took my luggages and went ahead of the two of us.

I was leaning on the car door when suddenly it went open.

And I could only shout for my life.

"got you"she whispered, I didn't know why but it made me feel so flustered.. Jennie caught me, both of her hands were on my waist, her face was leaning on my shoulder..

"Clumsy as ever" I can feel her warm breath on my ear..

is she seducing me? ahahahahahaha

"yah! hahahaha.. but well thank you" I quickly got up and held her hand for support.

Something really funny caught my attention..


"Wut?" she looked up on me a bit

"why didn't you grew up?" I bit my lip as i was holding back my laughter.

she gave me deadly glare when she realized what I was talking about. And I can't contain my laughter anymore.

"you think it's funny?"

"no, but.."

"Want to sleep outside tonight?" she said and crossed her arms. ohhh I know where this is going.

"Fine, fine i'm sorry..You look very cute Jen" I said and smiled, this bestfriend of mine never changes, short-tempered as always.

"now shall we?" I encircled my arms on her shoulder.

"we shall" I saw her smiled. good thing she didn't shouted at me.


The four them were now sitting at the couch after the dinner, Lisa decided to tell them about what happened why she is here.

As the visitor explained everything, Jennie was just there mesmerized at the unremarkable beauty in front of her, it left her smiling. But those smiles she's holding suddenly went away, when she hearf that Lisa is trying to find herself a boyfriend or even worse a girlfriend, just to make her live.

'I'm willing to take in the pain, but you're not inlove with, what shall I do, so that you won't be taken away from me?' Jennie thought. Lisa's cure was just here in front of her, but was unnoticed, blinded by the thought of friendship

"Easy piecey, finding you a girlfriend is not difficult you have the charms baby cousin" Nabong exclaimed while giving them a wide grin.

"But what will it be that you'll give them in return?" Jisoo asked curiously

"Love and Marriage, I have to be inlove with that person too to have my medicine effective, and also if it means loving each other, marriage is where it will lead us" Lisa answered.

It had Jennie broke down. Her heart especially.

"Hmmm, We'll find the best persons for you.. 3 years is a long time. you'll probably have one" Jihyo added.

"I don't know how will i fall inlove" Lisa replied.

"You'll feel it when the right one comes, you wont be able to hold back and say the word I love you in an instant" Nayeon told her.

"Now let's sleep for the meantime, we'll have things settled tomorrow" Jihyo said.

The three nodded.

"But which room am I staying?" Lisa asked.

"We've decided to have you in Jennie's room, she have two beds there" Jisoo replied.

"Ohh okay"

And with that that four went to their rooms.

Jennie's PoV

Lisa and I were now sitting on each of our beds facing each other. She just finished unpacking and fixing her things, and the room was very silent.

"Jen" The way she calls my name is just heaven. Ohh snap out of it.


"I can't believe I'm staying with you tonight, it's been a long time" she said and let out a little giggle.

"Cute" I mumbled. If I don't stop daydreaming about us in one room, i'd probably go crazy.

I quickly lied on my bed and covered my self with my blanket.

I felt the bed moved a little, telling me that she was there.

"I miss you a lot Jen, let me sleep with you tonight." And she scooted under my blanket, snaking her arms on my waist  moving closer and hugged me like she wants me to be there in her arms.

I can feel her soft breathing on my nape, it sent me shivers.

I hope she won't hear my heart beat...

"Jennie" she mumbled again.

A soft plump and warm thing gently landed on my nape.

She.. kissed me on one of my weakspots. I bit my lip to surpress my moan.

"Good night, I love you" she whispered before hugging me tight again.

Here we are with the I love you as a Friend.

I love you too

'Lalisa Manoban..I don't know if I'll be able to have a safe night'

I drifted off to sleep as well, because of her warmth.

Nothing was awkward it was normal for us to be touchy, we don't put malice on it. Not until I fell inlove with her.

Its funny but.

Her hands are on my clothed chest now.


Book 1's Extra Story JENLISA (Completed):  As You Fall AsleepKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat