Chapter 1- I'm enrolling here.

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Third person POV

Currently, Seirin's Basketball coach, Riko Aida, is making the players run their usual laps. "Pick up the pace! Or I'll add five more laps! And make the workout twice as hard!"

That sentence alone managed to cause the players to sweat even more than they already were, and to move their legs twice as fast than before.

Riko sighed, before taking down more notes about each of the players. Like their strength, and their weaknesses. After all, the winter cup was coming, and at their current state, she didn't want to admit, but we might not make it through the first round.

But she isn't the only one who was striving to improve. After their defeat from Touou, the players are now more determined than before to win.

Once they had finished running their laps, the players all walked to the bench to hydrate and rest.

At the same time, on the other side of the school, people are turning their heads, and looking up from what they were doing, to look at the mysterious white hair girl who is currently walking through their hallway to the gym.

All the boys that Emiko walked pass, started to blush, while the girls looked at her with admiration in their eyes. The boys were also eyeing her chest causing some of them to faint from blood loss.

Emiko is walking to the gym after meeting the school's principal. But she didn't think that she would attract this much unwanted attention.

She sweat dropped. If she knew she was going to attract this much attention, she would have taken the less crowded route to the gym.

As she continued walking, a voice suddenly squealed out...

"AH! You're that famous model! Emiko Archer!"

After the people present in the hallway heard what that girl had announced, the girls all started to squeal, while the boys are gasped, started to blush even harder and had hearts in their eyes.

"Ah! Emiko-sama! Could I please have your autograph!"

"Please take a picture with me!"

Everyone started to crowd around her, wanting to have her autograph, or have a photo taken with her.

But when someone was about to take a photo, they suddenly realized that she was no longer standing there. The students all tried to find her but they couldn't see her.

"Eh? Where did she go?"

"I don't know. She was standing here a moment ago."

As the students tried aimlessly to find the missing model, they didn't even realize that she was actually right behind them. Walking to the gym.

Emiko's POV

I grinned.

Ha, it's times like this that I'm glad that I can get rid of my presence like Kuro-kun.

I continued to duck and dodge the crowd that is now trying to find the 'missing' model.


As I entered the gym, I saw the players having a five-on-five match.

Oh Kuro-kun and Tai-kun are playing too. Now let's see, how compatible the new light is with the shadow. I'm still using misdirection, so currently no one has noticed me yet. Even though Kuro-kun usually manages to spot me, he looks like he's to caught up in his passing to notice me.

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