Chapter 5 - The angelic Loki

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Emiko's POV

"Itadakimasu~" I clapped my hands together and chanted before picking up my chopsticks to eat some rice. "Ah, as expected nothing can really beat a Japanese breakfast." I held my cheek as I was chewing.

But, isn't it a little quiet? I looked around at my senpais and friends who weren't eating but were plainly staring at their breakfasts, looking a little uncomfortable. Are? I wonder what's the problem.

"Mina, if you don't eat soon, the food will get cold." I said to my senpais and others.

"Ne, ne." I looked over at the one who called me.

I gave a closed eye smile in return. "What is it? Takao-san."

"A-Ah, Takao is just fine. Anyways, who are you?" He waved casually.

"Ara, I haven't introduced myself yet. Nice to meet you, my name is Emiko Archer, I used to go to Teiko middle school along with Mido-kun."

"Eh. Does that mean you were also part of-"

"Yes, I was once a part of the Generation of Miracles."

"Wah, amazing. That's amazing." He cheered.

I giggled at his response and looked at Kaga-kun who is still on his first bowl of rice, slowly chewing it.

"Kaga-kun, you're not eating anything yet, it's unlike you. By now you would have already eaten 3 people's worth of food."

Seeming like he finally couldn't take it any longer, Kaga-kun banged the table before pointing at Mido-kun. "W-What's weird is that he's eating here with us!'

Mido-kun pushed up his glasses as he stated, "I only came here to talk with Emiko nanodayo."

"But that still doesn't mean that you have to sit and eat breakfast with us." Kaga-kun muttered, though I'm sure everyone could hear him.

"When did you get back?" Mido-kun asked not picking up his chopsticks yet.

"A few weeks ago." I answered without missing a beat.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise, you know I like surprises." I ate a part of my fish as I was answering him.

"Why did you come back?"

"Because I woke up one day and thought of the most brilliant way to teach idiots how not to be idiots." I answered cryptically.

I could see the others all sweatdropping from our rapid fire question round. Well, either that or my vague answers.

Mido-kun paused for a bit before asking me his net question. "Why did you leave?"

I put down the bowl of miso soup that I was drinking and took a few seconds to enjoy it before getting back to Mido-kun and his questions. I could see the others tensing up at the question that hinted of my past.

'Why did I leave?' That's I good question. I could also hear the underlying meaning in that question.

'Why did you leave our basketball?'

'Why did you leave us?'

"Why, indeed. Maybe it was because I wanted to escape?" I answered, though it sounded more like a question instead.

Why did I leave Japan? Why did I leave my dearest friends? Why did I leave basketball? Why did I leave him?

Even now, I can't remember the exact reason why I wanted to escape so desperately. Why I wished someone would pull me out of the nightmare called reality.

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