Prologue 3: Sky Fortress General

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(This is the final prolouge, so after this, we'll be going into cannon territory. This one might be a bit underwhelming compared to the first one, which ended with an OTK, or the second, which had the main heroine and deuteragonist going up against the Arc V version of the Joker, so try and keep that in mind. So, without further ado, let the beginning end, and the end begin.)

{Fusion Dimension; Harbor Pier}

A boy with light brown spiky hair, that was pointing downwards, with dark brown bangs was running from the Obelisk force, intent on finding a place that was far away from any people that would get caught in the crossfire. 

This is Ikki Kurosuki, and his mission had been to explore the other four dimensions, and see if they were any threats to the Ritual Dimension. He finished checking the Standard dimension, and saw they weren't a threat to anyone. The Fusion dimension was the last one, and he saw they were up to something, so he started sneaking around and gathered information. What he found shocked him, 'They're planning to invade all the other dimensions, and for what? Because they think they deserve to rule over everything?!'. After a few minutes, Ikki found the perfect spot in the form of a narrow alleyway. The boy turned to the blue clad soldiers that were chasing him, and saw they each had a different colored gem in the top of their mask.

"YOU!! Stop resisting and We'll card you!" the boy looked genuinely confused, "Don't you mean OR you'll  card me?" The three just smiled, "We know what we said

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"YOU!! Stop resisting and We'll card you!" the boy looked genuinely confused, "Don't you mean OR you'll  card me?" The three just smiled, "We know what we said." the boy just sighed, while activating the duel disk that was on his left arm, while the three soldiers activated their Acidemia duel disks, ready to take the boy into custody, or just card him on the spot.


Ikki LP: 4000

OF LP: 4000 each

Ikki looked at the five cards he drew for his opening hand, "I'll let one of you go first. I feel like challenging myself." the five looked at Ikki with arrogance, before one of them started their turn, "First, I Summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound! And thanks to Hunting Hound's ability, you take 600 points of damage!" the metal dog let out a torrent of flames from it's mouth canon.

Ikki LP: 3400

The blue clad soldier ended his turn, while the other Summoned two more Hunting Hounds, and end their turns with just that.

Ikki LP: 2200

Ikki dusted himself off before wordlessly drawing his sixth card, "To start things off, I Summon Sky Chaser-X Wing!" A white and blue fighter jet appeared on Ikki's field. "And, since X Wing was Summoned, I get to add a Machine type Ritual Monster from my deck to my hand. Also, since I have a Sky Chaser Machine type Monster, I can Special Summon Sky Chaser-Tactician Pilot." A grown man that had a suit that matched the fighter jet's color scheme appeared on the field. 

Sky Chaser-X Wing


WIND, Machine

Atk 1000

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