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Taeyong kissed Ten in order to shut him up. It was so sudden that Ten just froze allowing his lips to melt with the older's touch.

When Taeyong disconnected their lips, Ten was confused, blushing and in some sort of daze.

"Y-you k-iss me? You s-tole my, my fi-rst kiss.."

"Thought you wouldn't care since I'm not a character. By the way; have fun walking home. I'm taking Jisung with me. Adios."

Without anything else, he just left. Leaving Ten behind.

"Jisung you're coming with me. You." he referred to Johnny. "Walk. I'll return him tomorrow."

As they made their way to the car Jisung asked a bunch of questions about fairs and space and literally everything or everyone he saw.
Taeyong didn't answer. Arriving to the vehicle, he placed Jisung in the back seat, securing him with the seatbelt and finally hopped to the drivers seat.

He turned on some music to distract the kid. He didn't want to answer unnecessary questions and even more when he didn't knew that answer.

While still at the fair, Ten was still really confused.
He was now walking trough the people of the fair with his shoes in hand, dragging his feet instead of walking normally.

"Ten! Ah, I finally found you." Johnny said huffing, trying to catch his breath after running trough the whole fair to find his friend.
"A-are you alright Tennie?"

The dazed male just nodded hesitantly.
Johnny started walking with him to the exit. He every now and then looked at Ten who's behavior was weird in his opinion.

"So.. you never told me what happened with Park Seo Joon and that other actress. You know, from 'She was Pretty'"

"Johnny.. How do you know if you like someone?"

After a while, Taeyong arrived with Jisung to his house.

"TT, wha are all this boxes fow?"

Taeyong just sat in front of Jisung with some toys he took out of a box.

"Let's just play, shall we?" he said and the younger immediately complied, earning a soft ruffle from Taeyong.

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