Author of the Week|vveirdo

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July 6, 2014

Congratulations to vveirdo for being the newest Author of the Week!

vveirdo, also known as Caline and Bekc, has been a member of Wattpad since the beginning of 2013 and has several books and four hundred fans. Despite the low number of fans and popularity, Beck was nominated a record number of times by several fans and friends for how amazing her novels, especially Here Comes the Sun, are written.

From the moment I started reading Here Comes the Sun, the story completely captivated me, drawing me in one chapter after another. From the point of view of the two main protagonists, Liam and Libby, Here Comes the Sun tells the story of two unique  individuals who meet in New York City. Liam is a nineteen year old father with a five year old son, and Libby has just graduated, going to New York City to fulfill her cancer-demised best friend. The things that captures the reader the most are the unique narrations of both characters and the plot line, bringing in emotions and details that make this novel so perfect.

Quote: "Schooching a skirt over my butt and tucking my long-sleeved maroon shirt in, I look myself in the mirror and sigh. I do not look like a soon-to-be graduate. Finding my bed and sitting on the edge of it, I lazily slide my socks onto my feet and slip my feet into my ankle boots Mom bought me, convincing me that "I looked like a star" in them. Yay me." (HCTS Chapter Two)

A Word of Thanks: I have been writing on Wattpad ever since 2011, and I never would have continued if I hadn't had the support of my fans. If y'all hadn't read my stuff, or commented, or voted, or any other stuff, I might have had such low motivation that I just stopped altogether. But, I didn't. Because y'all did. And I can't explain how amazing that makes me feel! Y'all make me want to continue writing down my cliche fantasies that may or may not even happen in real life, and have this inexplicable dream to become published one day. And y'all have also made this dream of mine to become plausible in my head. Thank y'all so much, and I hope y'all have an amazing week ahead of you.

Some Tips: I've never given writing tips before, but that's only because I never thought anyone would ever come to me for some. But here I am! One of the writing tips I would like to give is a hard one: try to stay in the same tense (whether present or past tense) the entire story. It's extremely difficult, but it makes the story flow better and it also makes more sense. I still have a problem with this in my stories, so don't beat yourself up every time you have to change a word to your preferred to tense!

Another thing I would like to point out is to NOT re-read your story. EVER. I have made this mistake way too many times - so many times that I have never, ever finished a novel of mine. :( But, one day, I will, so I'm not going to let that discourage me. Just learn from my mistake and do. not. reread. your. friggin'. story. One more tip is to always love your characters. Whether they have hideous personalities, or you're oddly attracted to them, love them to death. What I do is give a character a random situation outside of my story, and figure out how they would handle it. Would they hide? Would they be brave? Things like that. It helps make your readers love the characters, as well.

Congratulate vveirdo by checking out her novels and befriending her!

Sidenote: nominations for Of The Month close July 17th, so make sure to go nominate your favorite authros for genre and category awards!


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