Author of the Week|caseyxo

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May 11, 2014

Congratulation to caseyxo for being the second author of the week!

caseyxo has been a member of Wattpad for a year and a half, and already, her collection of writings showcase her talent as a writer. Casey's complex writing style and unique ideas make her a well deserved nominee and winner of author of the week, and her friendliness on Wattpad puts a cherry on top of her talent. Her novels A Christmas Carol and Where The Hurricane Meets a Blizzard, one completed and one ongoing respectively, are unique gems that deserve more reads and comments from the community.

Although A Christmas Carol is set during the holidays, it is Casey's writing style that is infectious, filled with adjectives and flowery language that sets the dreamy tone of the book, words that become pictures that weave through the dialogue. It is hard to find this kind of mastery of language, but caseyxo writes with ease, creating a holiday masterpiece about a boy and a girl that deserves to be read all year round. Immediately, the reader is sucked into the main character's world, feeling the same giddiness she does with the holidays approaching, and even if it is sunny outside, Casey's story makes it feel like Christmas is just around the corner.

Quote: "You can practically see the glow on everyone's faces as they nearly danced their way home with backpacks slung haphazardly across their backs, laughing with their friends and talking about what presents they wished to receive on that upcoming Tuesday Christmas morning" (ACC Chapter 1).

A Word of Thanks: "First and foremost, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to make this account a thing and giving people who don't have as much recognition here on Wattpad a chance to be known. I would also like to thank not only my fans, but anyone who has ever supported me on this website. I'm not sure that I'm always so deserving of all the support that I get, but it means a lot and is the motivator that I use when I don't have the energy to write. I'd also like to thank my friends who I've made as a result of this website You guys are wonderful people and I'm blessed to have met every single one of you. So thank you."

Some Tips: "I in no way am a professional author (not even close) although I have picked up on a few tricks along the way. For starters, be unique! I know that the What's Hot list can be redundant with the same overplayed basic plots a lot of the time, and it can be discouraging to see some of the stories that end up on there while your own has hardly any reads, but if you really want to stand out the right way, put your own little twists and ideas into your writing. But never refrain from writing something because you're not sure people will like it. Write for yourself, and any additional perks that follow will be a blessing.

"I know that sometimes it's hard to write and put the thoughts that are constantly cluttering the inside of your brain into the right words, but if you keep at it, I promise that one day it'll click and the words will start to flow out of you. The only real way to develop and explore yourself as a writer is by writing. And reading, too. I find that when I read, I tend to pick up on a lot of styles from other authors and it helps me to formulate my own writing style. Writing is just like anything else, though: the more you practice, the better you’ll be. I didn’t become a good writer overnight. I still am not even close to being the best that I know I could be when it comes to writing. I started typing stories about talking dogs when I was about seven, and writing has been a hobby of mine ever since. It doesn’t have to be good, and you don’t have to share it with anyone; just put pen to paper, move your fingers across the keyboard, and let the words spill out.

"My other piece of advice is to make friends who are also writers. They help, believe me. Not only can they help you proofread your work, but they’re great to talk to and can be extremely supportive. Plus, you can read each other’s works and help each other grow and develop by explaining ways that they could improve and by also telling other people about them, which they might do in return for you. If you put yourself out there and make friends and get involved with the writing community, you’re way more apt to become known than if you never talk to anyone. And almost all of us are nice and easy to get along with, so don’t be shy!

"I wish there was some concrete method of becoming popular on Wattpad, but the truth is that a lot of it is luck, patience, and dedication. You’re not going to become a What’s Hot list-worthy author overnight—nobody has. But don’t make that your only goal because then you aren’t writing for you anymore, you’re writing for the publicity. Obviously we all want recognition, but don’t let that be your sole purpose for writing here on Wattpad. Just be patient and know that everyone started in the same boat that you’re in, and use that as a motivator to become the next sensation like they did. Keep writing and interacting with others and making yourself known. A good way to do that is by reading and commenting (a meaningful comment, not one that says “update!!1” or something similar) on other people’s works, because if it’s a truly helpful critique, they may want to take a look at your own works.

I’m apparently incapable of writing in small quantities. I’d like to thank Anne once again for this amazing opportunity that she’s giving to not only me, but to anyone. Just because you’re not as well-known as a lot of the people on here doesn’t mean that you don’t have a chance, because right here IS your chance to gain some of that recognition you’ve been craving. I wish everyone the best of luck and hope you never stop writing. God bless."

To help support our author of the week, caseyxo, please check out her stories A Christmas Carol and Where the Hurricane Meets a Blizzard. Like Casey said, one key to getting recognition and helping others is by leaving an insightful comment on another author's story. All authors appreciate the support through advice and criticism.

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