"No!" I yell and everyone looks at me. "No. This...I...shit." I say and I sprint. I run for the door. I can't take it. I don't know what to do. I just run. I run past my car. I run past the entire parking lot. I run past the park on the edge of the parking lot and only stop when I've reached a giant field. I walk to where I can no longer hear cars or any sign there's civilization. My phone continues to go off from where it is in my pocket but I ignore it. Everything has gone wrong today. I look down at my ring and shut my eyes. I love Matt. But he has a fiancee! A fucking fiancee! He told me yesterday that he loved me.

"Don't fall for me." His words echoed in my head and everything seemed to click. Was this just a game? Did he give every girl this ring? Did he just do this for the hell of it? Am I just another pawn in his game? I fall back in the grass and let out a scream. Not the I'm-getting-murdered-by-an-axe-murder scream. More of an exasperated scream. I then let out a few more screams before turning to the sky. I felt tears well in my eyes, and I let them fall. i knew there was no point. No one was here and I just wanted to be myself. I shut my eyes a moment and felt the tears building, before opening my eyes and blinking, letting the tears travel sideways down my face from the way I was laying. I can't believe what has just happened. I took a chance. I let Matt in, and once again my heart is broken. First my mom, then my dad, then Cole and now Matt. I've let too many people have access to my heart. I get up, determination coursing through me. I march back into Pizza Star and I see no sign of Sarah. Then I see Al taking orders, I guess for me. then I see Matt with his fiance flirting with him, playing with his hair. He suddenly spots me and jogs over.

"Olive." He says, looking like he wanted to say something but I stop him.

"Sorry for running off. I'll get to work." I say, grabbing my apron from a table that I had dropped it on. I wrap it around my waist and am about to go to my normal tables when I feel Matt put his hand on my shoulder. The tingles shoot through me, but I ignore them, turning around.

"You aren't needed for work today. Maria is taking your shift and Julie is working as usual." He says, and my eyes widen.

"You know that I need the money Matt." I whisper to him. His eyes widen, and I know it's probably because I'm starting to tear up.

"It's just one day-" Matt starts to say but I cut him off.

"No it's not. I know that, you know that, hell, everyone who works here knows it." I say and Matt winces at my harsh words. Then I notice the faint red mark on his cheek. "Why is your cheek red." I demand and Matt looks surprised by my question.

"Um your friend...she had the idea we were together and then she-"

"She had the idea we were together?" I whisper back harshly, surprised by his words. My eyes narrow into a glare. I unwrap my apron from around my waist and shove it into his arms before whispering to him harshly. "I guess that makes two of us than huh?" I say and turn on my heel. I storm out and hurry over to my car, slamming the door. I rest my head on my steering wheel and begin crying again. I feel like I can't breath. I feel like the world is collapsing on me. I feel like someone has taken a bowling ball and dropped it on my stomach and someone has closed my throat. I can't take it. I feel like I'm going into hysteria. This can't be happening. I turn my car on and drive to the nearest Starbucks. I order a large caramel frappuchino with extra caramel and extra whipped cream, with a giant blueberry muffin. I may not be able to mend my heart but it doesn't mean I can't mend my stomach. I drive to Sarah's, downing my coffee and eating my muffin. I stop in front of her house, swallowing the last of my muffin but grabbing my half finished coffee. I run to the door and knock. When no one answers, I walk in, take my shoes off and walk upstairs. I knock on Sarah's door but when I open it she isn't there. I hear noise in the next room and walk in to find Cole making out with some chick. "Oh shit sorry." I say and Cole looks up, surprised. He looks me over and lets go of the girl.

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