Shining Beacon

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(Beacon Academy) (Y/N) POV

The bullhead land as we exit I saw a blond boy who is puking in the trashcan the same boy who have sick in the bullhead. Me Ruby and Yang head down the paved path to the front of the school

(Y/N): Wow that was huge

Yang: You said it bro. The view of Vale  got on nothing on this

Ruby: Yep 

I saw my sister getting excited on weapons which she's turn into 2d chibi which is weird and how she do that

Ruby: Look Big Brother and sis That kid has a collectible staff and look she's got a fire sword

She tried to get closed  but I and Yang pull her hood back into realistic portion

(Y/N): Ruby calm down there just weapon and also stop being a chibi mode when you saw a new weapons

Ruby: Yes Big brother. But there not just weapon They're an extension of ourselves They're part of us

(Y/N): I don't get your logic Ruby 

I sigh and look the academy

(Y/N): So now what?

Yang: Well since we're here I suggest Ruby start making friends and you stick with Ruby

Ruby: But why would I need a friend If I have you and Big Brother 

Yang: Well

Then I saw group of student surround Yang and manage to dizzy Ruby

Yang: actually my friends are here gotta go catch up  and also take care your brother while I'm gone Kay see ya bye


Ruby: Yang wait where are you going? Where are ours dorms? do we have dorms?

(Y/N): Ruby look out!

Ruby fall backward into a luggage cart sending cases flying

(Y/N): Ruby are you alright?

Ruby: Yeh

???: What are you doing? 

I saw  pale skinned young girl with pale blue eyes and long white hair pulled back into an off-center bun tail and pinned with an icicle shaped tiara. A crooked scar runs vertically down her left eye.Also she wear a white dress

Ruby: Sorry

???: Sorry!   Do you have any idea of the complete damage you cost?

Ruby: Uhhhhhh

(Y/N):Ummmmm No

Ruby holding a case

???: Give me that!

She snatch the luggage

???: This is dust mined and purified from the schnee quarry

Ruby: Uhhhhhhh

???: What are you, brain dead? Dust! Fire, water, lightning, energy! 

Ruby: I... I know

(Y/N): Schnee quarry? one of properties of  Schnee dust company

???: Finally someone recognize the company also you know the person who talk to you right now?

(Y/N): Ummm Sorry no

The white dress girl angry

(Y/N): Listen mam I'm sorry for my sister clumsiness and I didn't know your name. At least she didn't damage anything right Ruby

Because of dust on her face Ruby sneeze

Ruby: Achhoooo

Which result a full blown explosion of flame snowflakes and electricity on my face and to the girl

(Y/N): Really Ruby?

Ruby: Sorry Big brother

???: Unbelievable! This is the exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!   

Ruby: I'm really really sorry!

???: Ugh you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you little young  to be attending Beacon?

Ruby: Well I I...

???: This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice you know ! We're here to fight monster so...  watch where you're going!

This is where I angry

(Y/N):Woah that's enough you can't tell my sister like that

then she point on me

???: And you tell your sister about her  clumsiness I see your a irresponsible Brother 

I will say something when Ruby fed up


???: It's heiress actually 

(Y/N): Will you both calm down for a minute

Then a Black bow girl approach us

???: Weiss Schnee heiress to the schnee dust company one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world

Weiss: Finally! Some Recognition! 

???:The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.

Me and Ruby chuckle but to be honest I feel bad for her

Weiss (Angry): What How dare you  The nerve Ugh

Weiss take the bottle from her walking off in a huff as her helper gather the luggage and follow

(Y/N): See ya

Ruby: I promise I'll make this up to you

Ruby Sigh

Ruby: I guess We're not only one having a rough first day... So what's...

She cutoff Ruby

???:Also I want to talk to him

She point at me

(Y/N): Me?

???: Yes you

Ruby: Ohh can I come?

???: No only him

(Y/N): Sorry Ruby I will see you in the amphitheater 

Ruby: See ya Big brother

Me and Black bow girl leave

(Y/N): So what should we need to talk miss?

Blake: Blake My name is Blake

(Y/N): (Y/N) 

Blake: Also I would like to say thank you


Finally I finish the chapter. Sorry I didn't update because One I finally graduate in High School Two I have entrance exam and last writer block.Also check my Story Idea, So let me know what your thought 

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