Adopt and Abuse

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(Summer POV)

I was walking back home from the grocery after I bought some Ingredients to bake cookies until

(A baby crying)

Summer: Is that a baby crying? I thought

I heard again the baby crying Summer follow where the sound in the ally way until she found the source of the noice And finally I found a box in the nearby trashcan I open it and reveal A newly born baby maybe a eight month or 1 year old 

Summer:What who left this baby hear what a irresponsible mother

The baby keep crying and summer try to calm the baby

Summer: Don't cry little one don't worry I bring to our home

After I get my groceries and head to our home

(Timeskip) (Summer POV)

I arrive at our house I drop the groceries and   in the table and I carry the baby when suddenly Tai come home

Tai: Daddy home.  hello Sweetie and who that and where do you get that baby?

Summer:I Found him in the ally abandon So I take him to our house

Tai: Poor child sow what is the name of the baby?

Summer: Well before ruby born we pick name to our posible son or daughter so I pick (Y/N) if we have a son.

Tai: So (Y/N) hmm welcome to our family

Yang came in after she play with baby ruby( yang is two years old)

Yang:Hello Mom and Hello Dad and who this?

Summer: Yang this is your younger brother (Y/N)

Yang: Hello little brother

I bring to a crib  where baby ruby is (ruby 5 months old)

Summer:Say hello to ruby (Y/N)

I put (Y/N) in the crib as a return to kitchen to bake some cookies.

Summer: Hmmm I hope this is a happy family

(Timeskip 12 years (Y/N)POV)



I can't believe I been accuse a crime I didn't commit stealing food cookies and destroying ruby toys even it was Yang and Ruby they will tell my adopted parents on how I 'destroy' their stuff and my mother and father start to beat up the crap out of me sometimes my bones broken. I return to my so called room which is basically a old mattress with no pillow or blanket, a candle since this is my only source of light a table and my journal. sometimes I'm thinking to commit suicide.

(Y/N): Where did I go wrong ?

I thought


Today is Ruby birthday but also is my birthday (By the way your parents decide that your birthday will same day as ruby) right now there having fun downstairs while me in the room  alone  with a cupcake and a candle I sang Happy birthday until

Ruby:Hey Dork check out Uncle Qrow gift to me

A toy scythe 

(Y/N): Yay congrats

All of sudden Yang Punch of me I retaliate by slap her on the face which I didn't mean to

Which both and tell to my adopted 

Yang; Mom Dad (Y/N) slap me in the face

As my so called parents came in to my room and start to beat the crap out on me even uncle Qrow join in  after that I was injured black eye and got my bone broken and I was shockon my so called parents says

Tai: You Piece of Shit How dare you to hurt Yang like that

Qrow: Now you know you why I won't train you because you will hurt people than help them

Summer:Now I wish I go back in time in the day I found you and I will not adopt you and left you rotten in the trash

After that the 3 adults leave while Ruby and Yang laugh and leave while I cry in the ground 

(Y/N): If that you wish then I will disappear then   

As I get a rope nearby and tied into a noose I put the other end of the rope in the ceiling and I put the noose around my neck as I stood in a chair and ready to kick

(Y/N):I hope you all happy when I'm gone 

I kicked the chair but the rope snapped and hit and knocked your head in the table as blood leaked out knocking you unconscious

(Summer Pov)(Earlier)

I was cleaning the plates as I began to think myself

Summer: I am  a harsh and worst mother than his real biological mother who abandon him 12 years ago.Maybe I should give him a slice of cake after all his birthday still today.           Summer  thought

As I continue cleaning the plate I heard a loud crash on (Y/N) Room and I accidentally drop  the plate.

Summer: That little shit

I go to his room and knock to his door

Summer:(Y/N) will you be quiet on your room and clean up the broken plate in the kitchen


Summer:(Y/N) Will you open the door.


Summer: Ok (Y/N) This is not funny

Silent So I decide to open the door and saw the Most shocking Sight I ever seen 

My son  his unconscious his head is bleeding his neck has a noose on it luckily the rope snap but still my son unconscious .

Summer: (Y/N)(Y/N) Please wake up. Tai Qrow Girls Help

The two adopted sister came

Yang: Mom what wr-OH MY OUM

Ruby: Mom it's something wro--

As both sister shock what they see right now

Summer:Girls Where is your father and your uncle.

Yang: Dad go to the city while Uncle Qrow go tothe bar.

Summer: "Dammit" I Thought

Summer: Ruby Get the scroll and call a ambulance Yang get my First Aid Kit so I can stop the blood flow out his forehead

While Ruby call for ambulance and Yang arrive with the first aid kid I treat the wound and put the bandage on his forehead the ambulance arrive and put (Y/N) in the stretcher and put in the ambulance  I and my daughter get in the ambulance   and go near (Y/N) As the ambulance Drove head to the nearby hospital Ruby ask me.

Ruby: Is Big Brother gonna be alright?

Summer: He will be fine Ruby He will be fine

I look to (Y/N) and began to cry for regret.


 so let me know what your thought .

 Suicide is not  always the answer if you are depress right now call suicide prevention hotline and also there are plenty people care about you 

Protect the Rose (Overprotective and Caring RWBY X Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin