Recognition "Rights"

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The method of presenting medals in my cousin's school is unfair.

Soo I went to attend my cousin's recognition( real reason i was inactive). The seats for the students were divided into 4 groups. Each group had 12 chairs per row.

I actually don't know what kind of seating arrangement there was. It was more like random.

The method was: when achievers finish receiving their medals, they return to their seats. But when honors receive their medals, they would march backstage and later on gather on stage before returning to their seats.

So here's the thing: after the honors of a class received their medals, they went backstage. The acheivers were on different rows.

There was this one row with only one girl. She stayed there, shifting her weight from time to time. We watched her from the bleachers, and judging from her expression, she was trying to hide embarassment, pain, and sadness.

It was brutal to watch. I felt as if the girl was experiencing mental torture and felt out of place. All of her seatmates were honors. She wanted to be part of the honors too, but she wasn't good enough.

And no one who had authority cared.

Where is the fairness and equality in this? The sister of my cousin asked me. 'It probably felt like she wanted to have company... Because I can tell that she was masking her loneliness' the father of my cousin, who was a director of the school, explained to my grandfather. She feels different, not in a unique way, but in a bad way... said my cousin.

It wasn't only us who was bothered. I heard parents talking about it. Whispers from relatives of the students. I couldn't imagine how hard that must be. Her parents must have felt it to.

This girl deserves to have company. She is obviously not used to being alone. I dedicate this chapter to her, to share her pain and loneliness in a way that you wouldn't feel it.

You don't need to vote or share this to show the love. All I ask is for someone to understand her, to feel her pain.

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