Chapter 2

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Mosskit blinked open her eyes as a paw jabbed at her flank. She turned her head and saw Whitetail looking down at her. Mosskit sat up and licked her chestfur in embarresment realizing she fell asleep. Pinestar, Honeywish, and Dawnkit were still paying their respects. Dawnkit sat up and looked at Mosskit. Her friend padded towards her, Dawnkit's tail brushed the ground as she walked to Mosskit. Mosskit hurried towards her and wrapped her tail over Dawnkit's shoulders leading her to a large oak-tree that sat in the corner of the clearing that was quiet and shady.

Dawnkit looked at Mosskit with quiet blue eyes and meowed, "You would of liked Flamedusk. She told good stories of how the clans came to be," Dawnkit paused and went on, "There were four cats, Echoleaf, Darkdawn, Oceanmist, and Cavernecho. They led their tribe here from a cave that is many stars away. They separated with the cats who each had abilities alike, Echoleaf and her cats were more peaceful then the rest and preferred the shadows of the trees. Darkdawn and her cats headed to the pine forest, they enjoyed having the shadows as their ally to blend in and attack predators and prey in. Oceanmist and his cats head towards the bay-area, they enjoyed swimming and resting on warm-rocks. The only thing we know about Cavernecho and his cats were that they enjoyed being in dark caverns as their clan camp, they ate bats and normal forest-prey. But, then Oceanmist and Darkdawn ganged up on Cavernecho's cats and they were never to be seen again."

Mosskit's eyes shone with shock, "They both did that? That poor clan." Dawnkit shook her head in agreement. Mosskit looked at the fresh-kill pile and got to her paws and grabbed a small mouse off of it. She lifted her head trying to not drag it and dropped it at Dawnkit's paws. "Here, fresh-kill might help you." Dawnkit blinked her eyes in thanks and took a bite out of the mouse. Mosskit turned her head and saw Ivyfern staring at her. Why is Ivyfern staring at me like that?

Ivyfern got up and padded to Mosskit and whispered in her ear, "Follow me." Dawnkit looked at Mosskit but, Mosskit shrugged and followed the she-cat. Ivyfern led her to the Sky-rock. And peaked into the vines on the side and meowed, A meow sounded back inside and Ivyfern padded inside, Mosskit close to her paws.

Pinestar sat in the den, his brown pelt looked black in the shadows. Ivyfern was hard to see since she blended in so well but, Mosskit could just make out her white fur. Pinestar looked at Mosskit in surprise and looked at Ivyfern, "Ivyfern why have you brought a young kit with you."

"I've watched Mosskit and she seems to be into herbs. She could make out Mouse-bile and Cobweb." Ivyfern turned and looked at Mosskit, "Mosskit, when your old enough, would you like to be my apprentice?"

Mosskit's eyes widen and she squeaked, "Yes! I want to follow the path of a Medicine cat and learn how to heal my clan-mates and others while listening to my ancestors advice."

Ivyfern looked at Pinestar happily, "Do you agree with this Pinestar?" Pinestar dipped his head and meowed in agreement. Mosskit's paws twingled with excitement, she could be a medicine cat! Mosskit meowed to the two older cats a goodbye and padded outside the den.

Mosskit blinked her eyes adjusting them to the light of the sun and padded towards Dawnkit and sat beside her. Dawnkit was licking her paws pushing the bones of the mouse behind the tree. "What was that about?" Dawnkit questioned.

"Ivyfern was asking if me if I wanted to be her apprentice. I said yes and Pinestar agrees." Mosskit's eyes shone with excitement. Dawnkit looked at her with a smile, "That's amazing Mosskit, "

Dawnkit trailed off as Pinestar padded out of his den and leapt onto Highrock, He looked up at the sun-high sky and yowled, "May all cats who can catch their own prey gather here beneath the Sky-Rock for a clan meeting."

Dawnkit looked puzzled for a second then her eyes shone with happiness, "I'm six moons old!" Dawnkit squeaked excitedly. Her sky blue eyes shone with excitement as she looked at Mosskit, "But, what about you?"

Mosskit forgot that her friend was finally six-moons, she wrapped her tail over Dawnkit's shoulders and meowed, "Don't worry about me, I'm glad, and I hope you get a good mentor." Dawnkit nodded and quickly as she padded to the front of the crown of cats infront of sky-rock. Mosskit sighed her tail hanging low, Who will I talk to now ? Mosskit looked up and saw Darkpaw and Tigerpaw talking in hushed whispered beside their mentors. Mosskit's fur heated up as Darkpaw looked at her with a kind expression in his eyes. Mosskit looked at the ground and padded beside Whitetail and sat beside her as Pinestar looked around the clan waiting for the rest of the clan to gather around.

Pinestar took a small step forward and yowled loud enough for even Starclan to hear him, "Today is one of the best days to celebrate. The day a kit, becomes an apprentice." He looked down and meowed, "Dawnkit come forward." Dawnkit looked up and took a few hesitate steps forward until she was a fox-length away from the Sky-Rock. Pinestar leapt down and stood infront of the Sky-Rock, "I-Pinestar leader of Echoclan ask for my warrior ancestors to look down at this kit, she is finally six-moons old and askes of your guidance to become our next Warrior apprentice." He looked down at Dawnkit and meowed, "Dawnkit do you promise to listen to your mentor and use bravery and wisdom within every strike or blow of your enemy?"

Dawnkit trembled for a bit then meowed, "I-I do!"

"Then from this moment on, Dawnkit.. you should be known as Dawnpaw." He turned and looked at the crowd of cats and pointed his fluffy brown tail to a gray she-cat with blue eyes, "Moonlight, I hope you will pass on to this young apprentice your bravery and good judgment."

Moonlight dipped her head as she stepped foward and meowed, "Of course Pinestar." Moonlight looked at Dawnpaw and bent her head touvhing noses with her new apprentice.

"Dawnpaw! Dawnpaw!" The clan cheered, Mosskit lifted her muzzle trying to yowl her friends name loudest but the loudest meow, Mosskit realized was coming from Bluepaw. Mosskit tilted her head and thought to herself, Does he have a crush on Dawnpaw? She narrowed her eyes as Bluepaw blushed and looked at the ground shifting his paws as Darkpaw pushed him playfully.

Pinestar flicked his tail silencing the clan below him and said ounce again, "There is one more thing I must do, Mosskit come foward." The clan below yowled in austonish and outrage.

"She isn't even 6 moons old!" Goldenpaw yowled above every other cats yowls. Her mentor, Vinetail silenced her with a twitch of his tail.

Pinestar looked at Ivyfern and dipped his head for her to come toward then meowed, "Mosskit do you promise to uphold the Warrior and Medicine cat code to help heal your clanmates wounds even if it is at the cost of your life?"

Mosskit flicked her tail excitedly and meowed, "I-I do Pinestar!"

"Then from this moment on you should be known as, Mosspaw, Ivyfern I trust that you will pass down your courage and wisdom to your apprentice." Pinestar questioned as Ivyfern meowed in agreement. This time saddly no one cheered Mosspaw's name apart from Dawnpaw. Mosspaw sighed and glanced at her mentor as Ivyfern began to walk towards the medicine den. Mosspaw began to race after her until Goldenpaw put her paw infront of Mosspaw tripping her. Mosspaw leapt to her paws and Goldenpaw laughed as she walked off towards Darkpaw. I may be young but, I will show you that I am not weak!

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