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     A white fluffy Persian gazed up at the stars above her. She knew she shouldn't be outside of camp during the night since she was so close to kitting just like her friend since they were apprentices, Honeywish. She sighed as her blue eyes gazed up at the stars, Oh Starclan please tell me why I feel like it's wrong to be kitting . Suddenly she gazed behind her as the wind blew something near her and saw a piece of moss land beside her tail-tip. She looked up at the stars as her eyes twinkled in the moon-light, Starclan, is this a sign ? She jumped as she smelled smoke and turned back to look at the moss and watched it light a small fire. She backed away and the fire vanished as soon as it had came. Starclan does this mean my kit will lead a broken path ? She fluffed out her tail and back fur and glared at the stars. I promise you my kit will not do this !

"Whitetail what are you doing out here?" A mew sounded behind her. Whitetail turned around and saw a large blue tom standing beside her. His blue eyes met hers as he wrapped his blue-gray tail around her.

"Mistwhisker, you shouldn't be here! What if my clan-mates see you or notice your scent." Whitetail meowed worriedly as he sat beside her and she leaned her head on his muscular shoulder. "You can't be here. Oceanclan and Echoclan could go to war from this." The memory of her first time meeting Mistwhisker flashed in her head. She was sniffing the air and the small body of a plump gray mouse flashed before her. Whitetail got low in a hunting crouch, not knowing she was beside the river that crossed between the two territories of Oceanclan and Echoclan. Whitetail sprung but her spring went to far and she looked down and under her paws she saw the rushing current of the river. In a silent wail she fell in the water. The water took her underneath and she felt teeth bite into her scruff and saw Blue paws moving in the water quickly. She closed her eyes and felt land underneath her paws. She reopened her eyes and coughed up water and looked beside her to see a blue muscular Oceanclan tom standing infront of her. The tom smiled and meowed, "You're welcome." Whitetail fluffed out her fur and muttered, "I-I'm so sorry. I was hunting a mouse and didn't seem to hear the rushing water of the river-" The tom put his tail over her mouth in a silencing motion and looked at her calmly, "It's ok, my name is Mistwhisker by the way." Whitetail felt her fur burn and she looked at the ground and meowed, "I'm Whitetail." Whitetail shook the memory away and looked at him with worried blue eyes.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok before ou kit was born." He meowed as he placed his paw on her paw with clear blue eyes and smiled. "But, I guess you are. I should get going now, it's almost dawn and when the fog comes don't worry it should wash my scent away." Whitetail smiled as he got up and licked her ear good-bye and disappeared into the bracken that led in the direction of Oceanclan territory. Whitetail sighed and turned and looked back at the camp entrance that was surrounded in thorns and bracken. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it was a coincidence . She sighed and turned away and padded through the camp entrance her tail streaming behind her.

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