Chapter 5, Sleepover 2

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"Your POV"

I Have Just Heard That Ariana Was Bringing Some Friends For The Sleepover, I Sure Can't Wait To Meet Them, This Was Going To Be So Exciting,

I Then Hear A Knock On The Door,

"That Must Be Them", Ariana Said In A Excited Tone,

My Mom Went Over To Open The Door, And When She Opened The Door, It Revealed Some Of Ariana's Friends,

"Hi", My Mom Said, "You Must Be Ariana's Friends",

Me And Ariana Were In The Sitting Room Watching TV When My Mom Came In With Ariana's Friends,

"OH MY GOD!!!", I Yelled In Excitement, "Are They Your Friends Ariana?",

"Yes They Are", Ariana Replied, "I'll Introduce You To Them",

She Then Went Up To Her Friends,

"This Is Lauren, Camila, Demi, Selena, Ally, Hailee And Sabrina", Ariana Introduced Them,

"Well It's So Nice To Meet You All", I Said In A Cheerful Voice,

"It's Nice Meeting Too", Camila Said With A Smile On Her Face,

"It's So Great That Ariana Invited Us Here For Your Sleepover", Lauren Happily Said,

"You May Remember Us, We Are Very Good Singers", Demi Said,

"Are You Happy That We All Came Here?", Selena Asked,

"Yes", I Replied,

"That's Good", She Replied With A Smile On Her Face,

"It's Nearly Dinner Time", Ally Said, "What Do You Want For Dinner?",

"IDK", I Replied,

"I Think We're Going To Have A Great Time Tonight", Hailee Said In A Happy Mood,

"Me Too", Sabrina Replied,

"Well Then Okay", I Said,

"Oh And Y/N", Ariana Called, "Could You Promise To Behave Infront Of My Friends?",

"I Sure Will", I Replied,

"I Guess We Should Get Dinner Started", Ally Said,

"Okay", Ariana Replied,

And So We Are Getting The Stuff Prepared For Dinner, As For Me, I Continued To Stay In The Living Room To Watch His TV, I Don't Know What We Will Be Having A Dinner, I Guess It Would Be Something I Don't Like, But We'll Have To Wait And See About That,

Hey Guys, I Sure You Like This Chapter,

What Do You Think Of It,

Anyways, That's All I Have To Tell You For Now,


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