Chapter 8

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Yessica's POV

So I was currently walking beside Jasper following a scent that we caught. I still couldn't believe that I got partnered up with him. It was good and a bad thing too. "Are you okay? You look spaced out" Jasper said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh I'm fine" I said lying to him. I noticed that we were heading into a dead end alley. I pulled Jasper to a stop. "Is something wrong?" Jasper asked. "Shh" I said. He listened for noises while I closed my eyes for a minute. It's funny how one single minute can change or affect you life completely. During that minute I saw 3 newborns coming up behind us. I opened my eyes and sure enough we hear three growls behind us. We both turned around to face them at the same time. " Look who we have here" the newborn said walking towards us. Jasper growled at them and try to make me go behind him, but I wasn't having any of that. " Care to share your meal with us" the same newborn said basically raping me with his eyes. Jasper saw this and lunged at the guy , the other newborn was going to grab Jasper until i shifted into my white wolf and lunged on him. "WTF" said the guy under me. I bit his hand and somehow got kicked into the air. I shifted back into my human form and mind linked the other guys for help. It would be a huge lie if I didn't say that the fall did not hurt. My wolf was beyond pissed. I got off the ground and ran straight at the newborn. I knocked him into the ground and used my shield to hold him down. I looked at the third newborn who was about to run away. " Oh no you don't " I said and set a circle of fire around him. I turned my head and saw Jasper lighting the remains of the vampire on fire. He then walked to me "Are you okay?" he said looking at me up and down. " I'm fine" I said lying to him, but to be honest my entire body hurted from the fall and also my head was killing me. Jasper was about to say something else, but the rest of the groups came. " Are you guys okay?" Dr.Cullen asked. "I'm fine, but she's bleeding from her head" Jasper said . Wait what? was I really bleeding, I'm pretty sure I would know after all it is my body. I reached for my head and felt a sticky red liquid. Dr.Cullen saw and immediately came to inspect the wound. " Follow me to my car I have my bag there". I followed him and left the gang to take care of the rest. After a couple minutes, Dr.Cullen cleaned my wound and some other scratches. He also gave me some pain medicine for my head injury. Once he was done the rest of the gang was ready and we headed home. The ride to La Push was way painful than the fight with the newborns. The entire ride there the pack would keep bugging me and asking me if I was okay and I kept saying the same answer over and over again. 'Are you sure you're okay" Embry asked trying to bug me. "The next time someone asks if I'm okay they're going to get punched in the face understood" I said daring them to say it again, so that they can see that I wasn't lying. It took us about 30 minutes to get home, and as soon as I arrived I headed straight to bed to tired to even change into my pajamas or to even take my shoes off.


Heyyy there peeps :) I hope you like this chapter so far. Sorry for not updating sooner, I sorta had a writer's block, but anyways I hope you like this. Please give feedback and if you have any ideas please share them I'll be happy to hear them. For the next update I expect to see at least 10 votes and comments :). You guys can do it, I believe in all of you :)

-XOX Amelia <3

I Fell in love with Jasper CullenWhere stories live. Discover now