Chapter 3

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Sorry about not updating soon. I just had lots of school work these days. Well anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions. I would really love to know if you guys like it or not.

Yessica's POV 

I woke up the next morning on my bed in my pajamas. Leah probably changed me I thought to myself. I'm just glad it's Saturday morning and that I did'nt miss any school days. I got up from my bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I was done with the shower I changed into some blue skinny jeans and a creme tank top that had flower designs. I put on my shoes and walked to the kitchen. "About time you wake up" my dad said. I looked at him confuse. "Did you forget that you have training and that after that we're going to Charlie's house, so that Jacob, Bella, and you could spend some time together while Charlie and I go fishing". I looked at him surprise is he for real. " Yes I'm for real and you should probably get going because you're going to be late" dad replied. Oh wow great I didn't have time to eat breakfast and I'm going to be late. "Okay I'm leaving" I told my dad and waved at him goodbye. Before I closed the door I heard him say " I'm really proud of how you kicked the vampires ass". I laughed and then shouted a thanks. I ran to Sam's house and reached it in minutes. Everyone was out there waiting. "Oh look who's here shorty decided to show up" Embry said. "Oh shut up Embry you're just jealous cuz she whoop that vampire's ass better than you" Leah said. "Lets not forget she whooped her ass with style also" Jared said. I started to crack up, until Sam came out of the house. "Okay everyone instead of training we're going to have to take patrol since the others cancelled on me. Yessica why don't you just head home since Billy wants you to go to Bella's house" he said. "Thanks Sam see you later everyone" I waved at them.  Everyone nodded and walked to their usual spots when they were on patrol. I took my time walking home. After 10 minutes I made it home. I walked in the house and told them that training was cancelled today. It was 10:30 so I decided to bake some cupcakes and take some to Charlie and Bella. I made 3 dozen cupcakes half vanilla and half chocolate. The reason I made 3 dozen was because 1 was for Bella and her dad another for my family and the other dozen were for Sam,Leah, Seth, Jared, and Embry who were on  patrol. Once I put the batter in the oven I started making the frosting. I made pink and blue frosting. The pink frosting was for the chocolate cupcakes and the pink one was for the vanilla cupcakes. The baking timer rang which signalled that it was time to take the cupcakes out. I placed them on the table so that they could cool down. "Yum it smells delicious in here" I heard Jacob say. "Don't even think about taking them" I told Jacob as he was about to reach for a cupcake he stuck his tongue out and then left. I iced all the cupcakes and then I placed them in the fridge. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 12:30. I decided on taking another shower and then delivering the cupcakes to my friends that were on patrol. I changed into a black dress that had flower designs in the top I out on some black healed boots that matched with the outfit. After that I packed some clothes inside my bag-back since Jacob and I will be sleeping over at Bella's house for two days, while Charlie, my dad, and other friends of them go on a fishing trip. Once I was done, I brushed my hair and decided on letting it down. After that I walked towards the living room. "Hey dad I'm going to deliver some cupcakes" i told him. "Sure sweetie just hurry up. By the way they're delicious". My dad said taking a bite of a cupcake that he had on a plate. I laughed and then walked towards the kitchen. I placed the 12 cupcakes in a container and then walked to the border where they were patrolling. "Hey!!! Who wants a cupcake" I yelled. They all turned and looked at me and then at the container I had in my hand. "I do" they all said. Just as Embry was about to reach one I moved the plate away from him. "You don't get one" I told him. "What? Why? Common I want one" he begged. " Fine here but you owe me one". He jumped up and down and then kissed me on the cheek. "Ewww!!!!! I've been infected" I shrieked. "Oh stop it you know you liked it" Embry replied. "Here Sam and Leah you can keep the rest of the cupcakes. I have to go see you later". "Thanks bye" Leah and Sam both said. "Give me the cupcakes" was all I heard Embry say before I was out of hearing ranged. "I'm back" I yelled as I walked in the house. "We're all ready so lets go" dad said. "I went to the kitchen to take the dozen cupcakes that I was going to take to Charlie. "Lets go! Lets go!" dad yelled. "Jeez we're going dad" Jacob and I both replied. We got in the car and drove towards Forks. We got to Charlie's house within a hour or so. "Nice to see you guys" we were greeted by Charlie. "I baked some cupcakes for you and Bella" I said. " Thank you, now why don't you place that in the kitchen and go hangout with Bella and the Cullens" Charlie said. We both nodded our heads. "Have a great fishing trip" I said before walking into Bella's house with Jacob in front of me. "Hey" Bella said. "Hi" Jacob and I said. "Here Bella I baked you some cupcakes" I said while handing them to her. "They smell and look great. Why don't you to take a seat in the living room while I place these in the kitchen. We're about to start watching a movie" she said. We nodded our heads and then walked into the living room. 

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