Chapter 7

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Heyy people so like I said I'll start updating frequently. This chapter is completely dedicated to @babyblue2 , for being the first person to give me feedback on chapter 6. Thanks again @babyblue2 and hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.

-XoX Amelia

Yessica's POV

As soon as I headed home I mind linked everyone and told them that we're heading to Port Angeles tonight. At first they were confuse as to why we would go there, but once they found out why they understood. They were kinda mad about going with the Cullens. Who am I kidding they were really mad. I don't get why we hate them  a lot. I know they're vampires and all that, but why can't we just work together for once. I have to admit they're not that bad, plus Jasper's cute. Ok I'm starting to think something's wrong with me, because lately he's been on my mind the whole time. Anyways back to business, I'm currently getting out of the shower and changing into some skinny jeans,long sleeve shirt, combat boot, and a red scarf. " Hey peeps let's go" I mind linked the pack. "I think Wolves made more sense" Paul said. " Oh shut up just hurry up" I said. Paul always likes to ruin my moments. I head out the door and saw everyone there. We split up into two cars and then headed to Port Angeles. We met up in a book store's ally. When arrived there the Cullens were already there.

Edward's POV

"Hey" I said, greeting the pack. They nodded their heads in response. "Okay so we were thinking about splitting up into groups and searching for clues like that" I said. " That seems like a good idea" Yessica said. "Ok so there's 8  shifters and 6 vampires" I said. "How about groups of 3?" Yessica suggested. "Yeah that seems good" I said. I was already forming a plan in my head, this is going to be perfect. "Okay... Alice, Alex, me will be one group" I said. "Jacob, Embry, and Leah will be another group.Then Seth, Jared, Quil, can be another group" Yessica said not thinking of what was going to happen next. "And the last group will be Sam, Jasper, Paul, and you" I said. This was just too perfect to be true. Jasper gave me a knowing kook as to why I did this, but hey it's not bad to help brother win the love of his life.Just to make it even better I added something else. "Just to  make it easier for us, those who have 4 people should split up into two groups that way we can cover more ground" I said. 

Jasper's POV

I can't believe what Edward just did.The rest left with their groups and it was just my group and me left. "Okay how about Paul and me be a group and then you two" Sam suggested. "Sure" Yessica said. "Okay use the link to contact us" Paul said as they were heading the other way. Now it's just her and me i thought to myself. "Okay how about we go this way, I think I smell something" I said breaking the awkward silence. "Yeah I think I smell something too" Yessica said. As we kept getting closer  the smell got stronger. I kept alert just in case someone tried to attack my mate and I. They would have to go through me before they lay a hand on my beautiful mate.. 

This is the end of chapter 7!. What will happen next? Will someone attack his mate? Will they realize they love each other? I don't know :) but make sure to tell me what will happen next. Please leave comments and vote don't forget. Again I will like to thank @babyblue2 for being the first person to give feedback on the last chapter. I hope you liked it :).


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