Chapter 1 - A movie or something sometime

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I slip on my riding boots and walk into the barn inhaling the homely smell of grass and manure. I relaxed my body and let the tension flow out as I enjoy my lesson ignoring the events of the day. After my lesson's over I hang up my bridle. I see my phone screen glow with one text after the other full of hate filled apologies. I never meant for this to happen, she put this all on herself. I just cant believe that she told him! She told him everything about my sad obsessive crush on him. I could feel my insides twist just thinking about it.

Flash back to earlier that day-

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel? Your leaving this school in a month anyway!" Gabi said with an annoyed look on her face.
"I just cant! You don't get it." I exclaimed back.
Frustration built up inside me because she didn't get it. She never would. For her one flutter of her pretty green eyes and flip of her long black hair and guys dropped everything to be with her, no questions asked.

When we entered the classroom I found my desk and dropped my bag of rocks next to it. I rolled out my shoulders as I plopped myself into the cool red and tan musty chair. Gabi took her seat next to mine and looked over at me and then glanced behind me. Although, before she even looked to warn me I could feel his presence in the room. As he walked in talking to his friends my eyes quick shot up then back down at my desk. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him take his seat across the room and prepare for the long 2 hour class ahead of us.

As class dragged on I flickered my eyes to see him and sometimes caught him looking back.

"Psst Gabi. Do u notice John looking back at me or am I crazy?" I asked. Gabi peeled her head from the desk and nodded
"Both" she giggled back.

Finally after what seemed like hours the bell blared out my ears and echoed through the classroom. I stood up and waited for Gabi

"I'll meet you at lunch. I just have to ask a quick question." She said looking at the teacher and then back to me.

"Kk see u in a few" I answered and made my way down the hallway. Then I heard something odd. Behind me I could hear gabi say

"John wait!"

My heart started to race. She wouldn't... would she? Frozen, I stopped.

"John I have a friend who likes you! You know Kenna? She has this huge crush on you and you should totally ask her on a date!"

I felt my cheeks start to burn up as I turned myself around. What am I doing? I thought as I walked in their direction. Stop! Stop! But I didn't stop until I was right there next to both of them. Gabi's face turned sickly either from knowing how much trust she had just broken or for being caught in the act. John stood tall, attractive, and amused.

"I like you ok?" I called out glaring at Gabi.
I looked back at him.
"Would you maybe want to go and get dinner or go to a movie or something sometime?" I stuttered out. I couldn't breathe, or move. Sweat rolled down my forehead as the butterflies in my stomach ate their way from the inside out. He looked down at me with his blue green eyes. They remind me of the ocean. Nice and warm on a summer day yet unforgiving and cruel when he chose them to be. He raised an eyebrow and let out a low laugh and a slight sexy smirk.
"Like on a date? This must be a joke." He laughed. Gabi was now glaring up at him with eyes ready to kill.

"Look your nice or whatever but honestly Kenna, you aren't very popular, your not very pretty, and your kinda weird. May as well give up now because I'm just to good for you. Sorry."
And with that he left laughing it off with his other jock friends.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't think he would do that!" She pleaded while leaning in to give me a hug. I quickly smacked her hand away from me and ran off into the bathrooms. As the day went on I avoided everyone at all costs. I drove home choking down my tears and trying to cool my blood that was boiling over. My phone buzzed. Becca: Are you coming to the party tonight? John will be there!
A bad feeling filled my gut as I typed

Me: hell ya! and I'm sneaking some drinks

Flash back to barn

I inhaled feeling the pressure build and release in my chest as I clicked my phone off. Time to party I thought as I sat myself in the humidity of my car and drove home.

The Middle Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon