As the nights grow longer and the shadows grow colder and my need to escape grows stronger

I'm trapped

Inside this helled room forevermore

I want to leave

But there's only that one door

And it's poisoned

"Even if Fate gave me a chance

Even if I made it past

All of the Devil's hounds

Would still end up tracking me down

Oh, I can't breathe!

There's only one door!

But it's rotting and groaning and creaking and screaming and it's rotting and groaning and creaking and screaming

There's only one door

Holding me captive

Keeping my soul enraptured

Through this door holds all the answers

I'm scared of what I'll find

Some horror I won't be able to leave behind

"Tell me, what should I do?

All I have left are the fragments of you

But even your smiles and bright light will never get me through

As the nights grow longer and the shadows grow colder and my need to escape grows stronger

I'm trapped

Inside this helled room forevermore

I want to leave

But there's only that one door

And it's poisoned"

The beautiful sound of the most perfect voice, far superior to my own, is paired with an entrancing violin. The sound hit us all and when the song is over, the ability to breath returns to me.

Tears in my eyes, I blink furiously and look around at my brothers. The words and the pure emotion in the singer's voice affected us all.

"We need to find her," Silas rumbles thickly.

I nod and order, "Victor and Kota, do what you can to find the source of the video. Gabriel, Silas, and Luke, comb through every single song and look for any clues in the lyrics or any background noises that might help us. The rest of you, search for information online. Fanbases, comments, comb the internet for everything you can find. I will go meet with the Academy and see if we can get time off to work on this. Is this understood?"

Around the room, a chorus of "I am willing and will obey," sounds from every boy.



The hurt angel that was singing completely transformed everyone's demeanor. What I don't get is why others aren't searching for her. I mean, obviously her fans are, but something is clearly wrong.

Take her pain and her voice away and just look at the lyrics. The chorus of one song is:

"Separated by glass, separated by fear

So covered in blood, so covered in tears

Sobbing alone in pain, sobbing with no one to hear

So hopeful for nothing, so hopeful for it all."

How can someone ignore such a cry for help? But we did the same, didn't we?

The more I look through her songs, the angrier I get. This person is going through so many horrors and no one seems to care. Ghost has fans searching for her everyone, but why isn't this all over the news?

I drag a hand over my face and continue combing through the lyrics looking for something.




I step back and take my work in. The eye seems so full of emotion, so all seeing and all knowing.

Grinning with satisfaction, I begin to put the last of my paint supplies up. The bottles of acrylic paint are almost empty and I am down to the last few colors.

When Father was still alive, he would bring home gifts sometimes. That's how I got my computer, even if Mother disabled the internet immediately. Father, I think, felt bad that I was never allowed to leave the house. Probably because it is his fault.

He got my mother pregnant when she was only fifteen years old, even though he was already married and my mother was his cousin. Disgusting, I know. He only came to see us on occasion because he spent most of his time with his wife and other daughter, Marie. Neither of them knows about us and Mother and I have not left the house in a long, long time. Mother has been sick and taking pills for a long time. She hates that I made her sick when she got pregnant with me. Father's death only made things worse. So much worse.

There are no records of me. The only living people that know of me are Wil and Mother. They are the only ones that would notice if I just died. Wil might be sad, but he would get over it. Mother would probably rejoice.

I ask myself often why I am still alive. Why I am still here.

I guess it all boils down to hope.

Hope that I will one day be free and happy. Hope that one day someone will come for me. Hope that one day I will find people that love me, people that support me, people that understand me.

Hope that someone will love me.

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