Chapter 40

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So last time rose had painted a picture of her mother and created a special type of booze and then she and laxus had a fight but now let's start the story ❤

Mira:Rose put this hood on and take off that necklace for now

Rose:Okay*Takes of her mother's necklace and puts on a hood*Let's go to the secret room in the guild*she teleports them to the secret room*See you guys later*They leave 

Mira:*Walks out of the room*Hey laxus you okay 

Laxus:Yeah I just feel bad for telling rose to get rid of that painting 

Mira:Well she does act to much like her mother and looks a lot like her 

Laxus:Yeah I really wish I could say sorry but gramps said we needed our distance

With rose 

Rose:*Goes to her mom's room and paints a galaxy on the walls and plays some music and sings*

🎵You and i were like fireworks

And symphonies exploding in the sky

With you I'm alive like all the missing pieces of my heart

They finally collide 

So stop time right here in the moonlight cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes 

Without you I feel broke like I'm half of a whole 

Without I got no hand to hold

Without you I feel torn like a sail in the storm 

Without you I'm just a sad song🎵

Gildarts:Wow I didn't know you could sing

Rose:Yeah I guess*Cuts out a few stars and hangs them from a string on the ceiling*I'm just tired 

Gildarts:You know that armor you used was your mom's most powerful armor right?

Rose:No I didn't know well you better go see what everyone else is doing

Gildarts:Okay see ya*Leaves*

With Lyon 

Lyon:*In a corner*Oh rose 

Jura:why don't you ask her out on a date 

Lyon:I can try*Calls her

Rose:*Answers*Hey Lyon 

Lyon:Rose I wondering if you would like to go on a date sometime

Rose:Sure how about friday 

Lyon: Okay*Hangs up 

Rose:I'm so bored!

With the guild

Wendy:I smell rose!

Laxus:So do I! 

Gildarts:She isn't here

Wendy: then how come we smell her!

Gildarts:I don't know 

Laxus:*Walks behind the bar and opens a door to see rose painting*Rose!

Rose:Oh hey laxus 

Laxus:Rose I am so sorry! I never ment to do that I was under a spell please forgive me!

Rose:of course I'll forgive you laxus*Hugs him*I'll always forgive you 


Wendy:*Thinks*Should I quit team natsu or not*

Rose:Hey Mira do you wanna go on a mission

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