Chapter 5

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So last time the fantasia parade had started and afterwards they played truth or dare and some of the boys fell in love with Rose but gray needed to tell her something but on with the story!

Gray:Rose Ever since you joined the guild I've felt some feelings for you and when we kissed like three times I realized I love you


Gray:And I understand if you don't feel the same way*Walks out of the door till something Grabs him

Rose:*Kisses Gray's cheek*I'll talk to you tomorrow gray

Gray: Bye*Walks out

Lucy:He confessed his love for you Rose!!

Rose:I know he did

Lucy:This calls for a Girls night and sleepover!*Calls all of the girls

Rose:*Hears a knock*There already here!

Lucy:Yep*Opens the door

Erza:*Runs to Rose*So what did gray say!

Bisca:Yeah really 

Rose:He said he loved me


Cana:So What did you say to him

Rose:I kissed him on the cheek and said I'll talk to him tomorrow

Bisca:So do you like gray back

Rose:I don't know 

Wendy:Well that means were going shopping*Everyone goes to the mall 

Bisca:Okay Rose were gonna make you get all of the attention tomorrow

Erza:So we found you some hot dresses to try on*Gives her 7 dresses

She trys them all on and decides to wear a  red dress with a flower on it

Mira:That dress is so pretty! Now lets go back to Lucy's and sleep Till tomorrow morning and get you dressed up!

They go back to Lucy's and go to sleep

The next morning

Erza:*Wakes up and yells*WAKE UP!!!

They all wake up

Lucy:Is everything okay?

Erza:Yes we just need to Get Rose ready

Rose:Hurry please*She puts on the dress and heels and let's them do her make up and hair

Cana:All done

Bisca:*Takes rose to a mirror*Do you like it?

Rose: I love it*They go to the guild and walk in except rose

Alzack:Hey girls Were is Rose?

Wendy:She's coming

Rose:*Walks in*Sorry it took so long 

The boys:*Blushing*Woah

Rose:*Sits at the bar*I'm gonna go to the park*Walks to the park

Natsu:*Follows her

A few minutes later

Romeo: Where is Natsu

Gray: I think he followed Rose *runs to the park

Rose:*Sits on bench*

Natsu:hey Rose you look sexy

Rose:Um thanks...

Natsu:How about you put those lips to good use and kiss me*Grabs her

Rose:No thank you!*Tries to pull away

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