Chapter 14

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So last time everyone had figured out that Rose and gray were dating and Mira asked rose If she could do some modeling for sorcerers weekly but on with the story 👍

Rose:*Goes to were the photographers are to take pictures

A few days later


Rose:*Walks in*Hey everyone

The boys*Staring

Rose:Let me guess they saw me in sorcerers weekly

Mira:Yep and thanks you for taking my place

Rose:Its no problem Mira 

Gray:*Hugs rose from behind*Hey babe

Rose: Hey

Gray:You looked good in sorcerers weekly


Lucy:*Walks up to rose* The theme for the pictures was surprising

Rose: I know I honestly thought I would just be in a bikini instead of doing sexy office pictures


Rose:Hey were is juvia?

Wendy: She went to the doctors for an ultrasound

Rose:Oh yeah I forgot I can't believe she's already 1 month pregnant 

Wendy:Me either 

Sting and rouge run into fairytail

Rose:Boys are you okay?

Sting:Please help us

Rose:Why do you need help?

Rouge:We can't find frosch 

Rose:Wait what*Runs out of the guild

Sting:See ya guys later*him and rouge run to where rose is 

Rose:*looks all around town with sting and rouge then they finally sthrosch about to get hit by a wagon with no driver in it

Rose:*Runs and pushes frosch out of the way but gets hit by the wagon and get pushed into the wall bleeding

Sting:Rose!*Runs to her*Wake up rose!

Rouge:*Grabs Frosch and goes to were rose is*We need to get her to the hospital

They go to hospital and they sit in the room

Gray:*Runs in*Rose! What happened!

Rouge:She saw frosch about to get hit by a wagon till she pushed him out of the way and got hit 

Frosch:I'm so sorry*Crying*I didn't want her to get hurt!

Gray:Its okay it wasn't your fault frosch

Rose:*Wakes up in pain*Guys?

Sting, rouge,Gray,Frosch:Rose!

Rose:How bad did I get hurt?

Rouge:You broke a lot of bones 

Sting:And you had giant wounds with wood inside of them

Frosch:And you had some brick in the wounds

Rose:Oh frosch are you okay?

Frosch:Yeah thanks to you

Rose:*tries to get up but whinces in pain

Gray:*pushes her back down*Don't push yourself

Rouge:rose thank you for saving frosch 

Rose:Its no problem

Sting:Rouge we need to go back to sabertooth

Rouge:Okay bye*they leave



Gray:please stop getting hurt

Rose:I'll try

Gray:*A few tears roll down his cheek

Rose:*wipes his tears and kisses him*

Gray:Rose I need to tell you something

Rose:What is it

Gray:I'm gonna go train for a few years alone

Rose:Oh okay

Gray:I better get going*He goes to train

Rose:*Walks out of the hospital in pain and goes to fairytail but once she goes in she collapses 

Laxus:Rose!*runs to her*Are you okay why aren't you in the hospital

Rose:Because they weren't helping much*Passes out 

Laxus:Someone take her to the infirmary!

Elfman takes her to the infirmary

A few years later

Rose:I'm gonna go on job*Mira approves it them rose leaves

Gray:*Walks in the guild*Hey everyone*He gets dog pilled*Where is Rose?

Wendy: She went on a job 

Gray:then I'll wait for her

A few hours later

Rose:*Walks in*Hey guys I'm back

Gray: Hey rose

Rose:*Standing there shocked with tears rolling down her face

Gray:*Walks up to her and hugs her*I missed you

Rose:I missed you too

Gray:Were is juvia and Lyons kid

Rose: The baby died....

Gray:*Looks over at juvia*Oh....

Rose:Im gonna go to the park*Walks to the park and sits on the bench crying

Gray:I need to go see her*Runs to the park and see's her crying*Hey what's wrong!

Rose:I've missed you so much!

Gray:I've missed you to*Kisses her

Rose:By the way juvia and lyon are still dating 

Gray:Oh okay then

Rose:*Hugs him and squeezes him



Gray:I love you

Rose:I love you too

Till next time

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