Chapter 6

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Last time Rose had almost killed her and laxus's father till laxus stopped her but she is now in the infirmary but on with the story

The next morning on the last day of the GMG

Rose:*Wakes up and see's Ivan in the infirmary*What are you doing here

Ivan:To see if your okay since your my Daughter and stuff

Rose:That's the first

Ivan: you should become dark you have so much power you need to share

Rose:*Balls up fist*I'm tired of you bugging me and telling me I have great potential and I should turn dark but I don't want that and I'm tired of you telling me that!*Heart rate goes up

Wendy:*Runs in*Ivan you need to leave*Helps rose calm down


Rose:I want to go back to the guild so bad

Wendy:We will after today so I'm gonna let you rest*Leaves

After Laxus's fight

Laxus:*Goes to the infirmary*Hey you okay Rose?

Rose:Yeah*Stands up then falls back down on the floor

Laxus:Hey be careful*Puts her back on the bed*How bad did dad hurt you when you too were fighting?

Rose:Pretty bad my ribs are broken and a few fractured bones but that's it

Laxus:*Surprised*You know you look a lot like mom

Rose:I know 

Laxus:I'm gonna see who won see ya soon*Leaves

Rose:Now's my chance to leave early*Crawls to wheelchair and starts to roll around slowly and quitely

Lucy:*Hears something move then sees rose trying to leave then pulls her beside her*Nice try your gonna stay here and wait till they announce who won


Pumpkin dude: And the winner is Fairytail!

The guild:Yay!*they leave 

Then arrive back at the guild

Rose:I'm gonna go home bye*Goes to her and Lucy's place then see's gray waiting for her


Rose:Hey Gray

Gray:*Hugs her*Get better okay

Rose:I will Wendy said she won't heal me cause she wants me to rest instead of going on jobs so I will

Gray:Okay bye*Leaves

Rose:*Goes inside and calls chelia*


Rose:Hey chelia its rose I was wondering if you can come over and heal me?

Chelia:Sure see you in 10 

She arrives

Chelia:*Starts Healing her*Your hurt pretty bad

Rose:I know but I will be better*Chelia leaves 

Lucy:Rose Im back*See's her walking*Aren't you supposed to be resting

Rose:Not anymore Chelia healed me

Lucy:Didn't Wendy tell you not to Get healed by anyone

Rose: Yeah I just wanted to move around

Lucy: Okay well goodnight

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