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Please read this before continuing! Thank you! (^-^) The next chapter shall be what's accepted and the chapter after will be the reporting page (check rule 3). The fourth will be the sign-up page. After that will be when the RP's begin. I ask that you read through these rules carefully.

More may be added as time passes. I don't want to have lots of rules but if I have to I will. I want this to be a fun and safe place where we can basically RP about anything and maybe everything.

Rule 1:
Please be nice. You're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. That way we all can get along and enjoy this.

Rule 2:
No joining in on another's RP unless you have been invited or accepted by both members of the RP. This way nobody and mess about with others RP.

Rule 3:
Please, no reporting of other RP's. Only I shall be able to do this, so if you want something reported please talk to me first. I'll create a report chapter where you can talk to me if any of these rules are broken, you feel unsafe, or you're disliking something that's been stated within RP.

Rule 4:
Please stick to, if there is one, the theme, plot, characters or genre. This is a requirement for I would feel totally confused if you suddenly grow wings from your back halfway through running from a murder. And please, if it doesn't fit the setting could you not go all supernatural or something of the sort unless it is set in a world where that can happen. This can, and will, throw the whole RP off as it'd be confusing. Each law of the worlds I'll create here will be explained with probably a map and pictures/drawings of the world and characters of which can be found. Growing wings or turning into a Neko will be allowed in some worlds, just not all.

Rule 5:
Please fill in the sign-up page, including as much information as possible. The sign-up page will be very detailed so please fill it in. Each of my characters will have their sign up page completely filled in too. And if you don't understand something just ask and I'll answer.

Rule 6:
If, and if, you are declined from joining an RP please leave peacefully and find another RP because I won't tolerate having someone ruin an RP. If you do decide to report this book I will report you as well as having it so you can't join in on another of my RP's this is so people can enjoy so declines will be few if none beside if you wish to join an RP already between two people. (By the way, I do accept group RP's)

Rule 7:
I am a very busy person. Books to update, year 11 to complete, schoolwork to do, as well as my social life outside Wattpad. I will not always be on, nor respond, so I ask that you be patient. I will respond when I can. I will not bug you about responding and you don't bug me about responding. I will give two weeks max for no response before personally private messaging to check up on you. You may do the same if you deem you want to. I am also available to talk out of RP also.

Those are it for now. I'll see you when we RP! (~>__<~)

Rule 1-7 written: 31/05/18

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