"i-i stopped talking to him, like you s-said," he choked out, his voice being weak and shaky.

"so you're not his boy?" his dad questioned, emphasizing the last two words. jungkook shook his head frantically. "don't lie to me, jungkook."

"i'm not lying," jungkook gulped, knowing he should have just told the truth, but he already opened his mouth.

the cellphone was suddenly thrown on the floor and the dinner table was roughly pushed out of the way and into the wall. jungkook frantically got out of his seat, backing up into the wall as his dad came towards him.

"what the fuck did i tell you about lying, huh?" his father yelled, making jungkook flinch harshly. he cried out when his dad grabbed his shirt, pulled him forward, and his body was shoved into the wall. "you fucking faggot, i knew i should have beat the shit out of that kid out the second he came to this house." he was thrown onto the floor, his right side taking the most pain and he groaned.

"d-d-dad pl-please-" he tried, but he was cut off with a harsh kick to the stomach, the bruises that were almost done healing definitely coming back. everything suddenly became a blur as he continued being his father's punching bag for the next few minutes, hearing the words fag, faggot, and disappointment a lot. suddenly he was on his hands and knees, coughing up blood. he was breathing heavily and with every breath he took, his body screaming with pain.

he heard the sound of his dad unbuckling his belt and his heart raced more than it already was. he was going to get whipped with a belt and that wasn't something that happened often. jungkook let out a broken sob when he heard his father grumble to take off his shirt.

"pl-pl-please," he begged, desperate for his father to let him be like that, but then suddenly he heard the crack of the belt hitting his back and he fell to the ground, sounds of pain coming from his lips. he was suddenly scared for his life, thinking about how much more his body could handle, which wasn't a lot. his stomach lurched and the dinner he just ate made a reappearance, mixed with blood. he cringed and looked up at his dad, who just had a harsh scowl on his face.

"get on your hands and knees," he demanded, the belt still in his hands. jungkook coughed roughly, more bile and blood coming out of his mouth. he took a breath and struggled to steady on his hands and knees, his body shaking. he needed to get out now, or he knew his father was going to kill him. but his body was in pain, in absolute agony - he knew he wouldn't be able to leave without his father catching him almost immediately.

"stay in this position or i'll add five more," his dad said roughly before cracking the belt on his back, jungkook letting out a yelp of pain as his back burned.

jungkook blacked out after ten whips.

his dad glared at jungkook, hearing a sudden vibration. he looked at the floor to see jungkook's cracked phone. he opened it and his blood boiled more when he saw who had texted.

kookie babyyyyyy

text me back i miss you 😤

my uncle's coming back finally and he wants to meet you!

i talked to him about you today on the phone and he's thrilled to meet you


i'm starting to get a bit worried 😅

"you should be worried," he said under his breath, texting back the boy, trying to pretend to be his son. afterwards, he threw the phone on the dinner table that was against the wall. he walked back over to jungkook, kicking his foot into his back to get him to wake up. "get up, boy."

when jungkook didn't wake up, his dad huffed in annoyance, grabbing his stuff and deciding to go to his actual office, leaving his son on the dining room floor.


"please be okay, please be okay," taehyung said under his breath as he frantically drove to jungkook's house. his heart was beating erratically and his hands were shaking against the steering wheel. he almost got into two car accidents, but he didn't care.

he had to make sure his kookie was okay.

he quickly parked in front of jungkook's house, a breath of relief coming from his mouth when he didn't see jungkook's father's car in the driveway. he rushed to jungkook's bedroom window, his heart beating even faster when he didn't see jungkook. he gulped and tried opening the window. he was surprised when the window suddenly opened and quickly climbed in, ignoring the pain in his side as he landed on the floor.

"jungkook?" he loudly called out, going into the hallway. his heart stopped when he went into the dining room and saw his boyfriend unconscious on the ground. there was blood on his face and blood seeping through his shirt on his back. taehyung tried waking up the boy, but there was no response.

taehyung was sobbing by the time he had called an ambulance. he was sobbing when he saw his boyfriend's body be carried away on a stretcher. he was sobbing on the way to the hospital his boyfriend would be treated at.

he was sobbing because he was supposed to protect his boyfriend and he didn't.


are you crying cause i sure am

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