Untitled Part 8

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The morning of the final day started slow.

Peter had made his way into their bed last night, he was nestled deeply into a sleeping Tony's side whilst Pepper sat reading a book as she glanced at her two sleeping boys. A small smile graced her lips as they snored together.

"Fri, please tell me youhave a recording of this?" She whispers, Friday dings quietly allowing the two to sleep. Pepper hummed gently, watching the two until she sighs. It was already ten, getting out of bed she shuffles out of the room in a dressing gown and pops into the kitchen. She starts to make breakfast in bed for all of them.

Whilst she was out of the room Tony woke up to little whimpers coming from the boy next to him, Tony smiled lightly and hushed him gently till the boy was back to sleep. With a quick check he sighs finding the boy wet. "Ok big guy stay asleep" He mutters, being quick to change the little boy. Peter thankfully stayed asleep during this and covered him back up with the blanket. A small cough made him look up and smile at the sight of his fiance holding a tray of pancakes, a sippy cup of apple juice sat on one of the holders and two glasses of Orange juice sat as well. Pepper sets the tray down gently and hands Tony a plate before she gently shakes Peter's shoulder.

"Peter, come on baby time to get up" She coo'd, watching Peter whine and crack a eye open with a huff. 

"Nooooo" He mumbles nuzzling into Tony's side. "Ni Save me" He mumbles and Tony laughs, 'sheilding' the boy from Pepper's wake up attempts. That is until she moved the tray a safe distance away from Peter and took his foot in her hand, a single stroke of her thumb had him squirming and whining. She did it again causing him to giggle.

"Get up" She laughs a little. Peter shoves his head deeper into Tony making him hiss a bit.

"Ni helllpppp" He whines, Tony lifts Peter up onto his chest and rubs his back.

"Come on Pete, time to get up." He mummers, Pepper smiles softly as Peters large brown doe eyes open and glare at them both with a pout. Tony smiles at him gently. "Hey baby boy, time to get up and eat mama's pancakes" He coo's, laughing lightly as the boy bounces up and reaches for food next to Pepper. Tony smiles, setting Peter in between him and Pepper and pops the cut up pancakes in front of Peter. The little boy starts to happily shove the pancakes into his mouth as Pepper and Tony eat their own.

"So, I was thinking today we could just...relax" Pepper chuckles watching the boy put half his fist in his mouth, almost dropping the pancake, she helps guide his hand to his mouth a bit more. "I've got a few movies lined up, some of my faviourites, some of yours and some of his." She continues chuckling. "And when this little man is napping me and you can talk wedding, then some movies again." She smiles. "I was thinking of ordering chinease tonight and then bath time for the little monster...and then Bruce can...yeah" Tony nods a little smiling a bit as Peter finishes and reaches for more on the tray. Tony cuts some more up and puts it on the boys plate.

"I think that sounds amazing. Do we have to change our clothes? I'm to comfy" He mummers, Pepper chuckles. 

"We don't but we getter get him in something less hot. It's supposed to be hot today" She says smiling, Tony grumbles and nods. "I'll grab him something in a minute. Maybe just a diaper and shirt for today?" She mummers brushing a hand through the curly locks of Peter's hair. He smiled up at her, taking a sip from his Black widow sippy cup. Pepper coo'd and kissed his head making him giggle up at her.

"Mama" He giggles and reaches up. She takes one of his hands and 'nibbles' on it.

"Oh pancake flavoured children. My faviourite" She teased, watching the boy squirm and giggle under her nibbling. "Nomomom" Tony grinned and watched the scene, snapping a photo on his phone he gets up quietly and leaves to the nursery. He quickly grabs out a small red shirt with a gold star sitting on the front. He smiled and took the shirt to the bedroom to find a squealing Peter, no more pancakes on the tray and a smiling Pepper sat on the bed tickling him.

Oh BabyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora