Chapter 19

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I open up and read out the test results to myself. I'm shocked by what am seeing. How can Festus be this heartless? No, I can't let this kind of man stay close by anymore. And this hideous act of his won't stay hidden. He's destroying three lives. No I need to stop this.

"Where is Festus" I ask Dora as I head down the stairs.

"He has gone to the office. Is there a problem?"

"Yes. Dial his phone number, I need to speak with him"

"Ah ah, Mum can't whatever the matter is, wait till he returns? "

"Must you ask questions, can't you just do as I say? "

"OK. I've dialed his line, I think it's ringing. Here you go." she pass the phone over to me

"Festus, come home this minute. We need to talk"

"But Mama, I'm in a meeting, can't it wait?"

He's whispering, I guess he's really in a meeting. At least, he's not lying about this.
"It can't wait. Suspend the meeting, I'm waiting for you."
I end the call.

"Mum, what did Festus do wrong this time that's aggravating you this much?"

"You'll soon find out."
I dial Nwa m nwanyị and Twinkle's phone number and tell them the same thing.

"This one you're calling everyone, Are we having a family meeting?" she tries to lighten up my mood but it's not working.

"You came with Daniel?" Dad ask as I step into the living room.

"Yeah. Grandma said I should come with my friend but Stacy went to the court with her parents so I came along with him.

I can feel the tension here. Grandma isn't smiling, she looks like a solider that's preparing for battle. She doesn't even respond to my greeting. Bella is also here. OK, I think I should just sit.

"No secret will stay hidden forever" Grandma begins and focus her gaze on Dad.
"You could have deceived them all, but I saw through it the first day I stepped in here. It's...."

I cut her off and stand from my seat looking as though am about to shoot lasers from my eyes.
"Grandma why are you talking to Dad in such manner? If Dad has offended you, then resolve it within yourselves. You don't have to scold him in our presence."

"When an adult begins to display childish behavior, you treat him like a child" Grandma replies in a calm tune but her body movement gives off an entirely different tune.

"Grandma" I scream

"I didn't call you here to talk but listen. So sit down and listen" she increases her pitch and Daniel drags me back down to the seat.

Why is Dad quiet, why is he sitting and letting Grandma disgrace him with her words. Dora isn't saying anything either, she's just staring blankly to nothing with no readable expression.

"I might be a Grandma, old and fragile. But it doesn't mean I've lost my touch, sense or reasoning. I carried out a DNA test, just in case you would want to deny it. Everyone is gathered here, you've ran enough but hiding wasn't possible. Would you rather want me to break the news? I think it will hurt the one who just stood up for you."

"Hurt me. Dad, what's Grandma talking about?" My eyes are heavy already. From the words of Grandma and the silence of Dad, I'm sure this is not a light matter. My heart is already gauging up because it knows what's coming.

"When I took our daughter from Dora"

Our daughter! this is the same word he used when he was telling Dora about the liver transplant. Has he forgotten that his daughter's name is Twinkle?

He continues
"On our way to the hospital, we walked by a lonely path. It was covered with tall trees and only a building stood out, an orphanage. I let go of our daughter's hand so I could tie my shoe lace."

"Stop saying our daughter. I'm your daughter, Twinkle. Dad you named me Twinkle"
I'm on my feet and can't see properly. My eyes has swollen up like a balloon, waiting for the tiniest pin to burst it open.

"I turned but couldn't find her. At that moment, the man from the hospital called and said he was waiting. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find our daughter. After much searching, I saw what I presumed to be God's plan and intervention. I saw Twinkle. She was the same age and height as our daughter. She was standing close to the building that stood out, the orphanage. But she wasn't alone, she was with a boy that was a bit taller than she is.
There was no one around so I approached them. I made them think that I was a friend and so, they agreed to play the game hide and seek with me. When the boy covered his eyes and began counting, I took Twinkle and went away. The money that I got was so good, so good that it overshadowed the guilt"

"No!" I scream. It's been busted and the tears are just running out.

"Twinkle I'm" he tries getting close to me.

"Don't" I take a step backwards and Daniel stops me from falling.
Amidst my confused and shocked state, my brain recollects the little but unusual things he once said and did.
"This mark," I point to my right hand.
"Did I really get it from an accident?"

"No. When I found you with the boy, you both had this mark."

I don't need to hear it from him that Daniel is the boy. No wonder he dislikes Daniel. I still remember the look he had the day I told him about Daniel. I can't sit anymore, I'm on the floor. The only thing I can hear now is the sound of my sobs."

"So it's true? I saw that result just now, when I went to get it for Mum. I looked at it and saw the words boldly written.
Miss Dora and Miss Twinkle, 0.1%. Not related.
Miss Dora and Miss Twinkle, 99.9%. Related.
I was so blind, in a bid to get my daughter's love, I couldn't notice my daughter. I wanted to believe that the test results was fake, so I sat here and waited for you to say so. What have you done Festus? You've denied Twinkle of her brother, Bella of her Mother and me of my child"

I can barely see Bella's face from here. She's not crying, she's just sitting, staring at almost nothing, looking like a freeze up chicken.

"I can't have you ruin my family. A leopard can never change his spots." Mum walks in from the front door with two men in uniform and arms.

"You are under arrest for the illegal adoption of a child and sale of liver." one of the men approaches Festus.

They're handcuffing and taking him away. He's not struggling or trying to argue. He's keeping silent after damaging my family.
My heart has taken in more than it can carry., It's starting to fail me. My drugs is beyond my reach and my voice can't call out for help. I'm moaning in pains, my vision is turning dim. I vaguely see Twinkle and Bella running towards me and my vision goes blind.

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